Bjornwulf nodded at his fellow Nord. "I'm Bjornwulf. I'm not not a fighter at first choice, but I'll give it my best. " He slowed down and brought up the rear. It was kind of amazing. Even for a Nord in Skyrim, this mountain was still damn cold. The farther up the mountain they traveled, the colder it got. he started to worry about some of their companions. It seemed that not everyone was as prepared for the cold. Unfortunately, he didn't have much to spare to help them if they needed it. He continued wondering as they made their way up the mountain. This was an interesting little group. The talkers were just about even with those that didn't. He wasn't sure how well most of the group would react to the others. He hoped that it wouldn't be a hindrance to their quest. It was something else that would just get in the way. When they reached their chosen campsite, the group seemed to go set up their spot and retreat to their hobbies or conversations. The effort was being made at least. He overheard the conversation over leadership. He glanced in the direction of Ulemi, Ji'sien, and Jorn. He walked over to them for a moment. "Sorry. I overheard you talking and I have to say: while I agree with the communal effort, in the end we still need a leader." He smiled and went to set up his sleeping area. He made it a decent distance from the rest of the group. He needs the space. He pulled what little metal he had to work with. He made a separate, smaller fire. He wondered if he would be called on to stand guard. Bjorn sighed and set a bundle of metal strips into his fire. He poked and turned them until they were good and hot. Red-hot! He took one out of the fire and swung his smithing hammer. The sound of the hammer against hot metal instantly calmed him. This was the only way he could truly relax and think. Once he smarted working, all of his fears and doubts faded away. His mind started wandering as he worked. This whole bit about the dragons was not something that would just go away. They'd need a plan eventually. The Greybeards were a great start but where would they go after that? And what if the Greybeards refused them? Would that be it? Could they find another way? Bjorn paused and shook his head. He wiped the sweat off his brow. This was too heavy. He was swinging too hard. He tried to let his mind drift off in a different direction. The rest of the group were all so different. Even though some of them were the same race, they all had different strengths and weakness. He wondered what would come out of this quest. Soon, he worked himself tired and went to lay down for the night.