[quote=Sere] It is a play with words. If I take a firearm and shot myself in my car in some parking lot (car park) people will say that is suicide and was not rational. When I more to Washington state, one of a few states you can die early: the voters do not like the words assisted suicide. Nope, it polls better if you use a different word to do the same identical policy. It is politics when you just change the words around to change the public poles.[/QUOTE] [img=http://www.quickmeme.com/img/9e/9ee1cfb8a4fc259d6ead995189273b85f059c4773614283a94553ef7363dffc7.jpg] Are you even reading? It isn't a play with words in any possible way. If you shoot yourself in a car in some car park, yes people will say its a suicide and not rational. If you do it in Washington state THEY WILL STILL say it's a suicide and not rational. And who gives a shit about politics or voters? Euthenasia is a situation when, due to medical reasons, you will either cease to be yourself (Dementia, Alzheimers etc) or you will, thanks to little things like cancer, live in such incredible agony and suffering, whereby your continued existence is a source of suffering to both you and everyone around you. Instead of dying shitting your daks for some poor RN to clean from your ass with a wet towel you choose to depart the mortal coil while you can still do so with dignity. Suicide is a situation whereby, due to depression, cowardice and a sharp profound fear of facing the world a person choose to, instead of seeking help, instead of talking about their issues, takes it on themselves to leave the world suddenly without so much as the courtesy of preparing their family, friends, colleagues and other applicable parties for it leaving them with not only the emotional burden of said suicide, but also the financial burden. [QUOTE]There has been a number of political scientist that have debated for decades about why type of government is more likely to happen in America if and when the government collapse. No, it is not going to be communism, it is going to be fascism. America has been for a long time, been a center right country and were moving more to the right all the time. The more stress America has, it moves more to the right. Hold on when Climate Change is accepted by the right. They will be looking at Canada and say, you have breading room and it is much cooler above 48 degrees north. Think I am joking, just a few years ago a military report came out talking about America with an invasion plan to take Canada in the event that the United Kingdom was invaded by Germany.In America still supports "Social Darwinism" my friend. The good point is health care in the past. If you are poor, if you are old, if have no needed importance, we find out we do not care if you life or die. Right now in the state of Georgia, the governor wants to get ride of a federal law that says a hospital must provide you will medical care until your well enough to be discharged. Reason being, there have been a number of hospitals that have closed because they are taking care of the poor in their neighborhood. True, they could get healthcare, but, it is a southern state that does not want universal healthcare. Let us put it this way. If the state of Georgia gets what it wants. And your a person that does not have insurance, they can just tell you after you tell them your going to take your life go away. Then you cross the street and take a firearm and shoot yourself. It would be no crime done by the hospital. But, if you read my last comment above, and you call the police after the hospital talked to you. You go to prison. [/quote] What the fuck are you on about. About the only point that connects, in any way, to what I said is. "True, they could get healthcare, but, it is a southern state that does not want universal healthcare." And that is in response to a tangential remark I made that has no bearing on the actual discussion. The rest of it is just utter irrelevant nonsense.