Hello So... On the old site I roleplayed this idea with another person and I was one of my favorite stories in a long time. Sadly have not been able to find this person since the site went down so thought I would try and start fresh. This Rp will be rated r for violence gore, sex ect. So this will be a pm roleplay or email, I don't mind either but would prefer email until the site is a bit more stable. Concept : Female character played by myself is the daughter of a rich duke in England. She is to be sold to a suitor who can bring her family more riches. A vampire who resides in the town takes interest in that decided after seeing the women he would take the deal. However his Intensions are more cynical then anything. He wants to use her as a personal blood bag, and nothing more. Later in the Rp he turns her decides he wants new blood in his life since he himself is a very old vampire. Not realizing it but he falls for the women as he watches her discover her new life and bloom into a vampire. I don't want to spoil it so I I'll leave it at that. The idea with this male vampire is he is very old manner, evil has no remorse for life. However he has a dual side, when dealing with his prey he is very well spoken with a type of smooth additude. If you have any more questions let me know we can go over things in more detail if needed.