Inspired primarily by Akame ga Kiru!, Darker then Black, and Resonance of Fate. I'm not sure on all the details, but I'd like to share a basic idea that we can all expand upon if this gathers up enough interest. The world uses a combination of magic and technology that looks sort of like [url=]this[/url] and [url=]this[/url] for but a few examples. They rarely use just plain guns, but instead have guns that shoot magical blasts or something of that nature. The focus of the story will be on two opposing groups of assassins made up of members infused with special abilities (only one per person) that gives them a huge edge of ordinary people, but at a cost unique to the individual. This is done in a process called a tribution, where it's said that your sacrifice, or tribute, is given to a sacred being who then gives the person a power in return. This being might claim someone's sight, for but one example, to allow them to see in their mind visions of the future. Nobody actually sees the Beings Who Claim and Give in person (although some claim to as a result of wishful thinking and hysteria). They are baptized in a sacred location and the exchange happens at that point. Although it's meant to be a formal ceremony, it's technically possible for the exchange to occur by less formal means. One of the assassin groups, the primary antagonists, serves the empire that controls the massive "Sacred device" that all of the humans and other races live on (the actual earth is uninhabitable to most). It's a massive tower with many floating platforms extending off of it, which in turn connect to other ones to form a massive floating network of platforms, some so large that they can hold entire city, forests, snowy mountains, etc. Nobody has explored the entire structure and nobody really knows who built it either. Many of the functions operate on a much higher level of magitek then what they themselves are capable of. The empire is trying to gain control over all of the sacred pools where tributions can take place so forcefully expand their influence, crushing all others underfoot. However, this is not their only goal. Rumors have it that they are searching deep within the structure for something else. The other assassin group wishes to overthrow the horribly corrupt emperor to stop his reign of terror and his potential conquering of the entire structure, and thus the entire world. Plus, there's that shady business of the emperor searching through the structure that's clearly up to no good. This group is by far the underdog and their options are limited in finding enough sacred pools and compatible people to make the exchanges. Without them they have no hope at all at defeating the emperor and his group of assassins. They have far worse technology, worse resources, worse training, worse everything besides the motivation to stop him and save their way of life. There's no escape from this structure so they must give in, hide in the nooks and crannies in constant fear, or stand up for what's right. A lot of the non-human races are being oppressed so are sympathetic to these rebels. One example is a group of lizard-like people. There will be plot twists and drama galore and we should feel comfortable allowing our characters to die off at times to keep everyone on their toes. This is not a battle that can be won without sacrifice. You guys can create more then one character and join either side in this confrontation, or even third sides. Battles between each other will be discussed in the OOC or PM so we can come up with the best outcome for battles that everyone involved can agree on. Did I catch anyone's interest? Any questions or suggestions?