Aruna looked with her mouth gaping like a fish at Lidda's new form. She had hairy goat legs that made her bob in the most peculiar way when she walked and her hair was a most vibrant purple. Aruna shook her head of the slight distraction and nodded her thanks to the vitamancy teacher for the clothes and, she hoped it came across, for keeping her secret. She looked at the man who had introduced himself, Samuel he had said, and tried to give him a thankful, reassuring smile. As she did though, her pain flared up briefly and it turned into a grimace. "Hello Samuel, I'm Aruna. Thank you for your help with my injuries." She turned to Lidda," And thank you too for your help last night. I'm glad we didn't have need of that rune you spoke of. But I don't think I'll need to be staying here much longer, I'm really feeling much better and I should get to my classes." To prove her point she set her jaw and grit her teeth, then swung her legs out from underneath the covers and put her bare feet onto the floor. She gave a smile and spoke through her teeth despite the pain in her back, though she was obviously strained for speech. "...See?... Good to go.."