Luperca (Legendary pokemon of Guardian of children hopes and dreams) [img][/img] Type : Fire and Ghost Ability : Mentor Rise - Makes Meteors come when its low on energy causing a lot of damage to foe Different forms - Type Fairy [img][/img] Ability ; sweet song - Allows pokemon who is singing to heal Voident - [img][/img] Type ; ice and electric Ability ; Blizzard summon - low on enegery blizzard is summoned, but unlike the move this blizzard makes it nearly impossible to see Voident Different Form {Ice and flying} - [img][/img] Ability : Hawkeyes - It never looses accuracy and will chase any pokemon that tries to dodge and hit them harshly with a move. Luperca and Vioden history : The two pokemon that where alive for many thousands of years, Rescently found all that is own is that they defend people in love, they watch over poor children and they seek out the souls of the hero's to be their trainers. They are Mates, Luperca loves to be near children and help them get on with their lives why Viodent likes to keep evil away from children, both defend children and love itself. They are never seen by people only kids have seen them. They where born from stars and darkness they often are together if they are no they go searching for each other. Viodent can change into different forms in search of his mate if they get separated, if one gets hurt the other one goes into something called Chaos Rage (A phase that makes them act insane and angry and nearly unstoppable) How to Join Name : Age : Starter pokemon (It can be any pokemon just its first phase please) History Ability (You can have one, talking with pokemon ISN'T allowed) Personality : Finished team picture : Your picture: Legendary pokemon you want: