Double post I know! But it's my thread :rock Just the species I am working on [hider=Farrgorm] [b]Overview:[/b] The Farrgorm, also called Far and Farrg, are a tall dark skinned species native to the south-western lands of Enduwin. A typical male stands at around six foot tall and females can reach heights as great as seven. Skin tones vary from dark blue to grey and pitch black, depending on the geographical lineage of the individual. Differences in facial features between genders are minimal other than the more protruding jaw of the male and the noticeably pointed ears of the females. As a whole, the Farrgorm are a species that values brain over brawn but there are nonetheless countless exceptions to this rule, despite their somewhat frail nature in comparison to other species such as the dwarves or centaurs. The average lifespan of a Farrgorm is approximately 89 human years, or fifteen Awth-gnúth. The Awth-gnúth is a biological transition which every Farrg goes through roughly every six human years. Over their lives, the cells of the Farrg deteriorate at a much greater rate than those of humans, dwarves or elves. After this six year period, they have reached senility and Awth-gnúth is a three week long process in which cellular regeneration occurs throughout the body very rapidly. Afterwards, the individual will be returned to a condition relatively close to their physical prime. The average times that a single Farrg can do this is 15, hence the expected lifespan. Actual numbers fluctuate between 12 and 17 depending on lifestyle and socio-economic factors. There have been recorded incidents as high as 20. A Farrg going through less than 10 Awth-gnúth is rare enough that it is almost always due to death caused by disease or injury. [b]Species Traits: [/b] • [i][b]Rebirth-Regression;[/i][/b] The Farrg’s unique biological process and evolution is both a gift and a curse. Each will reach and live through, hopefully, six peaks of physical health and fitness. This period usually lasts for about two and a half human years of the six between each Awth-gnúth. This means the average time a Farrg spends at peak condition is roughly 35-40 human years. However, conversely, they’ll will spend the other 45-50 in a senile state. Essentially there is no ‘middle-age’ within the species and ‘youth’ is a concept only ever associated with 1st cycles. • [b][i]Brain Over Brawn;[/i][/b] Even shortly after Awth-gnúth, a Farrg is no physical match for a human, let alone a centaur. However, they do obtain impressive intellect and are known to be competent magic users, when the rare circumstance of a true mage being born amongst them does occur. Their biology means they don’t have one youth of experience and one old-age of refelction; they can have over a dozen of each. Thus, after several Awth-gnúth have been undergone they show an unheard of combination of wisdom, ability and enthusiasm. The change can be as much a psychological one as it is physical, and regression through the different inherent mentalities eventually leads to a moulding of the two. [b]Speciality:[/b] [b][i]Master Traders;[/i][/b] The Farrg are experts when it comes to manipulating the rudimentary economic systems found in the various states across Enduwin. Whether as snake oil salesmen, legitimate goods traders, deceptive merchants or honest tradesmen, the Farrg are known far beyond the bounds of their native Enduwin for their ability to turn a profit. Government type: Military: Economy: [b]Religion:[/b] The religion major of Enduwin, Nonatheoism, is best described as neo-pantheistic-agnosticism. Everyone knows the tales of the Nonatheon and pays great heed to them but, within everyday life, criticism and analysis of the stories and theories are welcomed. To the Farrgorm their deities have tangible form, communication with Neyav has been recorded and Ifreann is truly thought to exist beneath Enduwin. The criticism comes in the form of explaining these phenomenon, and the deities themselves through theory and postulation based on a mix of science, magic and theology. One of the core beliefs is that the Nine conclusively exist but their nature and status as gods is debatable. There exists churches dedicated both to individual god(ess)s and the Pantheon as a whole. These churches are all overseen by a central organisation known as the Shapayl. Over 98% of Farrg are members of the Shapayl and one’s stature within the organisation is of great importance socially, especially in political terms. Society: Ideology: [/hider]