Appearance: [hider=Eli] [img=] [/hider] Name: Eli Zander age: 19 Bio:Blood shed was unfortunately nothing foreign to his life, it seemed what peace was the true rarity in life. His powers manifested when he shouldn't have been killed. see what had happened was he was stabbed and left for dead but he just didn't bleed out. his will to live and his own power clotted his blood and kept him from bleeding out. realizing what he was, other than alive, he wasn't exactly low key about it. but he quickly found his limitations since the body needs a certain amount of blood on the inside to survive. one time he passed out and ended up in D.U.P. custody. thankfully they didn't know his power escaping that time was easier that expected. angered by the whole thing he joined the rebellion against the D.U.P. personality: Vengeful is probably the best word to explain him. wronging those who wrong him is how he tends to operate. He has a soft spot for children usually but other than that hes a ball of barely controlled rage and wrath. even before he was a conduit he was a criminal so the dark side is, and always will be his side. Power: Blood (only his own. ask for clarification) Is the power original or from the series?: no other: Freedom, equality vengeance, tag: [img=]