I don't remember all the details of my character though O.o lol...Oops Name: Ikalya is the name Kate took after escaping the man who turned her into a werewolf. Age: Unknown Race: Werewolf Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Amber Personality: Hmm...Awkward in social situations; like parties. When it's one on one with someone she's comfortable. Despite her past she can't hate, not even Will. x3 Info: Ikalya was in the process of getting married the day she was attacked. She was two words away from being married to the man of her dreams when it happened. The pack of werewolves that attacked killed everyone, except for her and one her friends that was there. The friend, Anna, escaped; but Ikalya was taken back to their lair, where their leader turned her. The following years he kept her locked up...Drugged her and used her, sometimes allowing his pack mates to do the same. After about a year he started letting her go out on hunts with them, though she only ate when she was desperate...She hated, and still does, the taste of human flesh. After five years total with her captor she was able to kill him and escape. That's when she changed her name from Kate to Ikalya. She fears being controlled like that again, but to save her friends she offered herself as a slave to Will.