[b]J Keet[/b] Welp, it was a cave alright. Probably only indication that it was the right one was the Chinese writings on a rock next to the entrance... oh and the dead body of a human who seemed drained of all his life energy was probably also a good indication as well. As Keet stepped forward, a somewhat deep, but distinctively asian voice came from the dept. "OoooOOOOOOOoooo! Flee this cursed place while you can gweilo! " "Yeah, get out of here capitalist trash, we don't need you here!" "Why you talking? I am making spooky voices now, shut up!" "Don't tell me what to do loyalist scumbag!" "That's no way to talk to elder! Apologize now!" "Never!" *SMACK* "NEVEEEER!" "What would your mother say!? Arrogant brat!" *SMACK* "You dare to smack ancient in face?!" "Did not." "I saw you!" "No you didn't!" *Smack* *Louder Smack* *Combat sounds, you get it.* This went on with chinese sentences here and there. When J Keet arrived all that could be seen in a large cavern was two dudes in the middle of it next to a torch fighting one another. "I Master of ancient arts jackass, you no can beat me!" Said a visibly older spirit in silk robes and with a long braid of hair going down to his knee and a fuu manchu moustache. His opponent, a young ghost in a working outfit with a flat cap with a red star on it, replied. "Try defending against tools of the people, asshole!" From the shadows the ghost took a pickaxe and threw it at the spirit who dodged. It landed on the rock wall under J Keet. There was a small tremor and he felt the ground fall beneath his feet. It wasn't the worst of fall but he found himself in the dark. "Ouch, watch it gweilo!" After a few seconds the voice under J Keet had finished speaking, the room began to lit with an eery light. All around J Keet, ghosts... hundreds of them! [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/345/8/d/8d47415fa883331b88edec69d1e3c92d-d5nsedg.jpg] There was a silence as they all turned toward him... "Hello, can we talk to you about our lord and savior, Confucius?" All at once, they raised their arms before them, like stereotypical zombies and began to... jump toward him. Small jumps... then faster ones... then OMGWTFBBQ HOW CAN PEOPLE JUMP SO FUCKING FAST!!!!!1!! [b]G & C[/b] The entrance was silent other than a few insults coming once in a while along with sounds of fighting between two individuals. Still, Chinese writing, guy with his life energy being sucked out... That was the place. Halfway inside the tunel, the commotion was stopped for a few seconds before all hell broke loose and the sound of a massive fight came to their ear. As they came closer, a voice was heard before all others, it seemed old and foreign. "Ok, ok, stop, ouch, I said STOP! By the Emperor everyone hold it for a moment!" They came on a small balcony above a central room lit with the evil glow of ghosts. At the center of the sea of ghosts was a ghost, a spirit and... some guy. "Who are you?" The ghost turned toward the spirit. "You senile? It's the intruder of earlier! The one you FAILED to scare off! I told you, you have shitty spooky voice, I should have done the scarring!" "Shut up for a second! You, you no die like other Gweilos that came here yesterday. What you want? We kind of busy!"