Jasmine smiled at Him " Yeah your name comes up a lot.. with who I hang out with " she smiled lightly. She blinked at the vampires who went to her and soon went to grab for her after she saw that they realized it was really her. She tensed and went to move " stop it " she frowned. She did try to move. She gasped as she was grabbed. She tried to get free " let me go!! You do realize where we are " the vampire smirks abd said " soon at not here " She glanced at the bartender what went to go get some help knowing they would need help. Jasmine didnt know what to do. She tried to fight them back but then she was fully grabbed and she was given to one of the guys in the group " come on lets go "' he went to go to the front doorm jasmine kept trying to fight and get free.Jasmine felt how tight their grip were