Khaylan shifted nervously on his feet, putting a hand on the doorframe to brace himself. He took a deep breath to calm himself as the healer's words hit him. Could it really be related? He glanced towards Miranda, nodding slowly, the beginnings of comprehension forming within his mind. He still didn't understand what the curse did, but he began to believe that it affected them both. Why her though? Why would the witch involve another person in her revenge? And out of all the available options, why Miranda, a woman with whom he'd had little but conflict with in the past? "The pattern flowed towards me, then over my skin. I'd thought the witch was just trying to kill me, and that perhaps the spell had failed to do so," Khaylan said, his voice growing shaky, "why it involves her is beyond me. I am the one the witch has a vendetta with." He looked towards the healer, desperate for answers. "Do you know something about this kind of spell?," Khaylan asked, fighting hard to keep the fear out of his voice.