I'm looking for males to do one on one rps though PM's. I've got three plots below, and if your interested, please PM me the plot that your interested in. I do have a couple of rules, but not much: 1) Please PM me. I dont do Forum rps. The reason is because I will actually lose them -_- 2) Casual to Advance. Sometimes oneliners if the situation calls for it. But I do ask that you have at least a paragraph if you can. 3) If you lost interest, please let me know. 4) If you come up with an idea, please feel free to share it. I come up with random plots all the time so I'll let you know if you want to know. Now, for the plots: Modern day Slave/Master: He was brused and broken. Everything he had, taken from him. He felt lost, betrayed by those he loved and even now he sat in an ally, in the rain, his body brused an bloodied. People walked up, ignoring him, not wanting to do anything with him. he left lost and alone. Yet when he thought he was at the lowest, the rain stopped. Looking up, he saw a beautiful woman holding an umbrella with the warmest smile on her face. Without asking for anything, she helped him, paid for his hospital stay, and without another word, disappeared the next day when she was sure he was alright. All he had, was a name. A name that he got from the doctor. The name of the woman he had fallen in love with. Five years has passed and in those five years he had become one of the most richest, most dangerous men in the underground. He owned a bank, specializing in loans. He was not a man to be messed with. Those who knew him, feared him. He did it all just so he could never be betrayed again. Yet his mind could never let go of that memory of the woman. The woman who still holds his heart to this day. He finds out though connections of a slave trading at a club he knows of. That a boy in massive debt has sold off his sister to the loan company to sell instead of himself. He finds out that the woman to be sold is the very one that helped him so long ago. Taking 1.2 million from his own stash, he goes and buys her from the men who wishes to do her harm. Yet when she wakes up, she doesn't see him. She doesn't even remember him. Instead all she can think about is the brother who she believed was in danger. In anger that she wont even look at him, he has his way with her. Afterwards, while she still begs for her brother, he tells her that with her now debt, the money he spent on her, and her brother's debt, she owes over 2 billion. If she pays for it to him, with her body, then he will let her go. He hopes though that he could win her heart over time, keeping her forever. --- Werewolf/Werewolf: Witches, necromancers, sorcerers, vampires, half demons, and werewolves have to live in secret. Living in a human world, most have adapted and even created corporations to live comfortably. Though Witches and Sorcerers have done this, employing necromancers and half demons, werewolves and vampires have broken away, preferring to live away from that. The vampires did their own thing, and the werewolves created their own pack. Werewolf descriptions: There are only two ways to become a werewolf. Your either born, or bitten. Though those who are bitten very rarely live though it. Only males have ever been werewolves. Never once has a woman ever been born one, and every time one is bitten, they die, never living though the transformation. The werewolves are the strongest supernatural race with stronger senses and strength. They turn from human to wolf, though the process can be painful. In the United States, there is only one werewolf pack and those who are not in this pack, are considered mutts because they are looked down upon. Story: Your character is the werewolf pack Alpha. He took the seat of Alpha, tired of the way that the former Alpha did things. He turned the pack from being against each other into a strong foundation. Something that no Mutt would ever stand up against. He is content with thing, but he longs for a mate just as much as any other werewolf out there. My character is the only female born werewolf. She was found in a lab by a mutt who works in an organization of mercenaries who are hired by supernaturals who cannot stand the corporations that Sorcerers and Witches have created. He kept her within their organization, training her and strengthening her. Making sure that if she ever got into trouble she could handle herself. She grew up with another werewolf her age, the son of the wolf who took her in. her friend had been wanting her, wanting her to become his mate, but again and again she refused. In his anger over the fact not only did this girl reject him over and over again, and the fact that his father favors her over him, he betrays his own organization to one of the corporations. Knowing where they are, the Sorcerers and Witches wipe them all out but this girl, who was out on a solo mission, and the other wolf who sold them out. Once she gets word of it, she takes out the other wolf in a most horrific way and escapes the corporation. Like I said, if your interested, please PM me. I await your responses!