Oh I like you. You're a punny fellow. Also, the reality is that you had me at "bazaar." Then further at the fact you like to populate your stories with additional characters, but the clinchers were the wide array of story ideas and the fact that you too, believe a story is salvageable if one merely takes a step back and does a rewrite. Many a story would have survived if my partners and I had been able to figure out at what point the story's weave began to fray. As for medium; threads would be fantastic. I'm amenable to pm's when they come to be, but until then, I'm just as comfortable posting in a public forum. And yes, I've been told that while it should have been my preferred, but that I would have to play the games to more fully understand the mythos. All I know is the few things that happen which are too cool to NOT share with me, and that one of our more often visitors has the giant eagle/hawk song as a cell ring-tone. *L* I'm sorry I don't know enough to do it justice. It is an interesting idea. Bess it is! Would you care to begin, or shall I? I'm assuming that her husband will be an NPC?