I'll be posting more when I've finished. The Daemon are my version of superior demons while Demons are the lesser spawn. There is a hell and it is another plain much like Oblivion from Elder Scrolls where entire factions of Demonic species battle over power and territory. Each Demonic sect will specialize in their own field but many focus either on magic or combat. If you are being a Daemon you'll also have a human form that conceals your power and identity as a dark being. Daemon are much like humans in how they reproduce too, only Demon spawn actually grow differently. Either in litters or in eggs. Weapons for their this can vary. I'll settle for summoned blades and such or even a blade that conceals its power until its wielder releases it. Otherwise feel free to come up with ideas on this one. Humanity does not agree with using demonic forces to solve problems but desperation has changed their outlook. However with peace looming expect this to revert back to them being hunted.