[b]Name:[/b] Charlotte von Darkmoor [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Character Archetype:[/b] Kuudere Bookworm [b]Race/Subspecies:[/b] Human/Witch [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/Tabitha_zpsef550f91.jpg[/IMG] [b]Personality:[/b] Charlotte is a rather quiet girl who is usually seen reading. She rarely shows emotion. She has a warm side but she buries it beneath a cold and business like exterior. [b]Bio:[/b] Charlotte was born into a long family line of powerful magic users. It was also a family of traditions, many of which would seem incomprehensible to outsiders. The traditions had a profound impact on Charlotte's childhood and early adolescence and resulted in her closed off personality. (Sorry it's short but that's really all I can get into without touching on plot spoilers) [b]Relations:[/b] Family: Father - Frederick von Darkmoor Mother - Louise Von Darkmoor Brothers - Many, all deceased Sisters - Many, all deceased Friends: None Relationship to Main: Charlotte has been mistreated by the Main in the past but never seemed to show much reaction to it. She would simply shrug it off with her usual coldness. [b]Magic:[/b] Water and Wind [b]Familiar:[/b] An Ant Queen [b]Pact:[/b] Charlotte has made a pact with a greater water spirit so long as the pact is kept and she offers a sack of uncooked, unsalted tree nuts to the greater water spirit every other weekend, she can breathe underwater at will. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Reading [b]Favorite Colour:[/b] White [b]Favorite Food:[/b] Dried persimmons [b]Favorite Drink:[/b] Honeyed Mead (Despite being underage. Drunk is actually when she opens up the easiest) [b]Favorite Animal:[/b] Owl [b]Where they are often found in the academy:[/b] Library [b]Where they are often found in the nearby town:[/b] The Bookstore and occasionally the Tavern/Inn [b]Secrets:[/b] PMed to GM [b]Plot Twists to be Implemented Later on:[/b] PMed to GM