[CENTER][I][B]DISCLAIMER:[/B]This is a Private RP. New Players are through invite only. Thank you ~Lord Wraith[/i][/center] --- [CENTER][B]| THE MAVERICKS |[/B] [i]~Valiant Heroics~[/i] --- [i][b]/ˈmævəɹɪk/[/b] One who does not abide by rules. One who creates or uses unconventional and/or controversial ideas or practices.[/i][/CENTER] [center]~~~[/center] [center][i]"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."[/i] [b] - Christopher Reeves[/b][/center] [i]It's kind of funny the stories we tell ourselves just to make it through another bitter day. We give each other hope despite the odds always being stacked against us. We were always taught good would triumph over evil, the plucky hero would topple the evil empire and the knight in shining armour would show up one day to sweep the princess off her feet before riding off to their happily ever after. But this hope, in many cases at least, is false. Happy endings seem to be as much of a relic, an artifact long forgotten, as the knights which appear in the stories. Instead of allowing hope to encourage us to new heights, to explore new frontiers and to keep pushing on, we use hope as a shield. It merely protects us as we keep our overwhelming fear at bay. The fear we've allowed to rule over our lives. We work jobs that we hate, and that make us sick because we're too afraid to take a chance on a job that would make us happy but comes with less pay. We constantly settle in our lives, too scared to take a risk or face rejection despite the possible outcome being one of the best moments we could ever have. And when we witness each other coming into harm, we don't try to stop it because we fear harm coming upon us. For this reason, the crooks, thieves, thugs and murderers prey on your fear. They savour it's smell as they feed upon you and where there is fear they are quickly drawn to it. Their kinds spreads faster than any known cancer as they corrupt every system they come up against, wearing it down and bringing it to its knees. Such is the story of Kilbride, a city that could easily be one of the most beautiful cities in all of America. Instead it lies infested and rotting like a dying man on his prison cot. Helpless to stop the infection as it grows worse every day. The criminals run this city, they have their hands in every pocket, every industry and every home. But change is coming, the winds are shifting, something new has come to town. Their reckoning will soon be upon them. Eventually the people will push back as leaders rise up to guide them. Heroes will come forth to lead the revolution and evil will know what it means to feel fear as they are banished. For no darkness can exist where the light shines, and the light will soon fall upon the city. Criminals beware, your time is at an end.[/i] --- [B]Wednesday July 31, 2035[/B] --- The golden rays of light danced across the glimmering water as the sun began its descent atop the Pacific Ocean. The last of the great yellow orb slowly sinking into the sea as long shadows cast themselves over the city of Kilbride. The dark glass on the tall skyscrapers turned crimson as the light flicked gracefully across its reflective surface, Standing up from his desk, the well dressed man strolled over to the wide window as he looked out over the city below. Nearly twenty two years ago the city would have been an entirely different place past sunset, the streets would have looked as though one was in an different city. Gazing out the window, even from fifteen stories up, the man could see children playing in the streets, where as two decades ago parents wouldn't even think to let their kids out after sunset. The street below would of had prostitutes walking up and down it, their drug dealing pimps keep a watchful eye from the shadows and a coked up hand on a weapon. Turning around, the man walked back to his desk, a relieved smile crossing his face as he picked a Scotch glass off a nearby table and scooped a couple pieces of ice into it. He sat down as he shook the glass, listening to the ice clink against the crystal prison that held it. Pulling open a small drawer, the man lifted out an aluminum can that gave a carbonated hiss as he opened it. Pouring the cherry enriched cola over the ice, he listened as it fizzed before taking a small sip. Moving his chair in line with his desk, the man put his drink down before moving his mouse to rid his screen of the 'Fitzroy Foundations' screen saver. Sitting there before him was the tantalizing blank page he was supposed to be filling with words. "How long before the Camaraderie Day festivities start ?" His voice asked to the seemingly empty room. "Approximately one and a half hours, or did you need that precise Boss?" A perfectly articulated female voice chimed back. Her diction and speech was almost too well put together but still passed as natural. "No that's accurate enough." He paused taking another sip from his drink. "I can build a submarine, a jet or a tank and yet I can't think of where to begin telling this story." "Might I suggest the beginning Boss?" The voice came again, a small humanoid female shape appeared on the desk. No taller than nine inches, the holographic image was perfect and flawless as she moved across the wooden surface. "That's... actually a good idea. The beginning it is then, as I recall it was about a month into senior year. If I recall, the exact date was..." --- [B]Friday October 4, 2013[/B] --- Homecoming. You could say that one might never know what the school year was going to be like until after homecoming. Whether the home team wins, how the dance goes, what the after parties were like. These were all viable factors to set the tone of the rest of the school year. At least that's what Caleb Richard Fitzroy had overheard some of the rich kids saying. Kilbride College Academy Secondary School was in a lot of ways like every other highschool in America. Firstly, it sucked, at least in Cal's not-so-humble as opinion as he found no merit in either their education system or faculty. Secondly, it had cliques, there was the rich kids, the poor kids, the jerk jocks, the goths/emos/scene or whatever they were this decade kids. The sexually liberated kids whether that meant promiscuous or not, Cal had no idea, there was also the preps. Lastly, like any other highschool in America, no one knew where they fit in, Cal certainly didn't and ever since the first week in September had been counting the days till he could graduate and go off to California. Maybe even attend the University of Advanced Sciences in Los Paraíso. But for the time being, there was the yearbook committee to keep him busy and they wanted pictures. "Say cheese!" Cal said with a forced smile and sarcasm as he snapped a picture of his friend Bryce Kane stuffing his face with a hotdog. "Shouldn't you be taking pictures of the game?" Bryce managed to ask as he emptied his mouth of the greasy meat tube made with every animal that wasn't loved enough before it went to the slaughter house. "Yeah, but I wanted to see what a half chewed hotdog would look like in thirty six point three megapixels." Cal said as he turned the camera around to show Byrce. "Man, I'm so tweeting this at you later. New profile picture, photo creds to Cal." Bryce laughed as he pushed the camera out of his face as he looked over at the field. "Man I hate this sport, why the big deal about it? Hockey is way more interesting." "You mean to tell me you're not cheering for our city's beloved Kilbride Wraiths?" Cal replied with a look of mock horror. "I mean I get that, but to like hockey more than football, are you sure you didn't swim across the sound from Canada eh?" "Don't go in to comedy Cal, unless you want people to laugh at you, then by all means go into comedy." "Don't you have a hotdog to finish?" Cal asked as he snapped a photo of the game. "Oh look, I think a got a picture of the kicker groping the quarterback's behind. Scandal in the change room!" He added with a smirk. "Cal, it's football, they slap each other's asses all the time. It's like a twisted high-five." Bryce said dismissively. "You call that a slap?" Cal retorted as he turned the camera's screen to show the kicker's hand having a full grip on the quarterback's right cheek. "You don't even get that much action on a good night." "Ouch!" The other teen exclaimed. "Alright enough of that, Veronica Mars or Chloe Sullivan?" Bryce said with a smirk as Cal absently snapped another photo. "Oh that might actually be a good shot." He muttered before turning to answer Bryce's question. "Easy, Veronica." "Not worried Logan would come after you?" Bryce said with a cocky grin. "As opposed to Clark Kent...?" Cal replied as he gave Bryce a look that explained how stupid Bryce's point was in retrospect. "Oh right... uh, Vicki Vale or Lois Lane?" "Vicki, Vicki Vale, Vicki Vicki Vale." Cal replied as he did a mock imitation of a DJ with a turn table. "Inara or Saffron?" Bryce sat thinking for a minute, "Is Saffron going to leave me butt naked in a desert?" "Only after really good sex!" Cal said as he pumped his arm for emphasis. "I'll take my chances." Looking around, Bryce suddenly nodded a few bleachers behind Cal. "Alright, Roanna or..." He suddenly looked straight ahead behind Cal as a blonde was making her way towards them. "Samantha! Don't you just love how that name sounds Cal?" "I hate you." Cal muttered quickly as he caught a snapshot of the Wraiths' touchdown while the crowd began to boastfully cheer. Samantha Ramona Russells had been Cal's crush since their first class together in freshman year. Though had flirted a few times and had been close friends for all of highschool, Cal had never made a real move on her, who knew though perhaps this year would be different. "That's not an answer!" Bryce yelled over the cheering as he waved a finger at Cal. "Hey guys!" A familiar female voice rang out in Cal's ears as he turned around to see Sam taking the seat beside him. He could hear Bryce stiffing a chuckle behind him as Cal's ear began to feel a little warmer. "What'cha talking about?" Cal smiled before muttering to himself, "Vicki, Vicki Vale." Looking up at Sam, he gave her a quick smile. "How about a pose cheering on the Wraiths for the school yearbook?" "Sure!" Sam said as she smiled and winked at the camera as Cal snapped the picture. "One for your personal collection Cal?" Bryce whispered behind him before being silenced by a quick elbow. "You going to the dance later Sam?" Cal asked. Pushing her a few golden strands of hair behind her ear, Sam smiled. "I'm not sure yet, are you guys going?" "I am," Bryce chimed in. "Don't know about the ol' stick in the mud here." "Come on Cal!" Sam said giving him a poke. "It'll be fun!" "Save me a dance and we'll negotiate." Cal said with a smirk. "Pick me up at six and you can have as many dances as you want." Sam said with a wink, "I'm going to get some popcorn. You guys want any?" Cal's jaw dropped as Bryce nearly doubled over laughing. "I'll take some popcorn, I think Cal might need something to help ward off the shock." Giving his head a shake, Cal suddenly couldn't help but think this might actually be a very good year.