[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/Kingdom_Come_Superman_Banner_by_Erik_Lehnsherr_zps6f10f35a.jpg[/img][/center] Superman slammed down into the center of the Raft's courtyard, kicking up a wave of dust that obscured the chaos in the area. Guards struggled against their super powered charges, and many laid dead around the Man of Steel. The Raft was constructed on Ryker's Island in New York to house the super powered criminals and super max prisoners of the east coast. It's partner, the Triskelion in San Francisco, held the west coast criminals. The raft was a maze of hallways and cells built into the topography of the island, and it was one of the most secure locations on the planet. At least it was supposed to be. The fact that someone managed to hack into the facility's systems and release all the prisoners almost simultaneously meant they were dealing with one of the most skilled hackers in the world. Finding him or her would have to wait, however. Clark had a bunch of scum to round up. "Okay," he boomed in a commanding voice, "if you all return to your cells, I promise no one will get hurt." The criminals began stepping out of the dust clouds like shadows into the light. They looked at Superman carefully, before a group charged him. Clark sighed, "Fine. Have it your way." Superman waited for the attacking mob to clear the guards they had been attacking before exhaling a great breath. The cold, frigid air that flowed around their legs froze the damp air, stopping them in their tracks. Clark floated over them, and smiled, "I hope you've all learned your lesson." But his victory is cut short when an explosive force bats him out of the air. Clark lands hard on the ground below, and as the fires of the explosion dimish, a gigantic toy soldier appears over the wall of the courtyard. "Toyman," Clark seethed. The insane inventor Winslow Scott had once been one of LexCorp's most successful weapons designers until he failed to create something that would help Luthor stop Superman. He was fired and lost his mind. Turning to crime, he began designing weapons based on the toys he had always loved. Clark had put him away last year. "How did you get the time to make that?" "Oh," his voice came forth from the soldier, "this little party has been in the plans for quite sometime, Superman. I was just told to bring the favors." The robotic soldier's arm opens up, and a minigun begins firing down on the people below. Superman speeds towards the arm, knocking it up, keeping the spray from killing anyone. He tried to snap the arm off as he had done many times before, but he found the alloys holding the mechanical man together were stronger than he had ever encountered before. Toyman used the other arm to swat the superhero off of him, sending Clark crashing through one of the prison's wall. "Even with all your strength," the Toyman mocked from outside, "sufficient preparation and planning will still win, at the end of the day." He fired the minigun again, the bullets harmlessly bouncing off the "S" on Clark's chest. Toyman knew it wouldn't do any good, but Superman figured it was probably being done to mock the Man of Steel. Superman responded by letting loose with his heat vision. The intense ray of heat began to melt the gun and the arm of Toyman's mechanical suit. But before Superman could press his advantage, a missile fired from the robot's knee and slammed into the cellblock, causing it to collapse on top of him. From beneath the rubble, he could hear Toyman escape. [center]**********[/center] The cleanup was long an arduous, even with Superman's help. They managed to save the majority of lives trapped under the collapsed building, but some guards didn't make it. On top of that tragedy, Toyman and Metallo both escaped custody. That fact told Clark all he needed to know. Whoever had done this was targeting him. This was meant as a message for Superman. "So who do you think it was?" Nick Fury's voice called out behind him. "I have a guess," Clark said through gritted teeth. "Luthot," he nodded. "Who else would it be?" "Well," Fury sighed, "we don't have any proof of that. If we get it, I'll be in touch. Until then, leave Lex Luthor alone. I don't need one of the military's most famous contractors beaten up by one of my boy scouts." "Understood," Superman said as he kicked off the ground, heading back towards Metropolis.