[I]~Welcome to the Dungeon! We got gold and gear! We got stuff for everyone, so come on close, get near!~[/I] [B]We are Dungeon Seekers![/B] Okay, enough flashy advertisements, let's begin by showing you around the world of Dungeon Seekers!: Welcome, all novice adventurers, to the world Vaneria, where you will find dungeons abound, filled with the stuff that makes a good adventurer better!  But stop that thought! You won't be going alone, of course not, silly! You will be joining up with the ranks of a guild of your choice! Maybe you might make your own guild, if you're some snobby rich kid! Well? What are you waiting for? Go sign up! Those dungeons aren't going to explore themselves! [B]Disclaimer: Not all dungeons are unexplored. If you find a dungeon and explore it only to find out that it's been cleared out, we apologize, but you're not getting anything out of us. If you want some sort of refund, then f**k off.[/b] When we start, our characters will be signing up to join the Vanerian Guild, the first guild formed during the Vanerian Civil War about a century before the current time in the story. [I]Oh wow, the name of the guild is so original."[/I] Yeah, I know, took me a while to come up with that one.  [I]Doesn't it say a guild of their choice? Shouldn't we get to choose?[/I] Who keeps talking? I mean, yes, there is a choice to choose a different one later, for plot reasons, but for now we'll just keep it all in the same guild. And now, some fun stuff! Magic! [hider=Magic!]Magic in this world is an iffy thing. Some magics are more effective than others, while some will tend to blow up in your face. Now, magic can be learned and anyone can do it. This doesn't mean everyone will do it. Those who do train with the arcane art have done years of training and even then magic takes a toll on the user physically and mentally, depending on how big the spell is. As for the different types of magic, all are accepted, just don't go to crazy and make someone able to destroy the world. Remember, we're all newbies here.[/hider] We have the technology! [Hider=Hooray!]Yeah, not really. Things are still being developed and not everything works to it's full potential, sort of like magic, except this will blow up in your face. As the title suggests, we're not going too crazy on it, but if you want a steam-powered hover-board, be my guest. Rifles and cannons? Go on ahead. You better be safe with that, though. Too many people have blown up already.[/hider] "No, you don't know! They're called [I]PIG NEWTONS[/I]!" [Hider=LOL]I know the title of this section makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but it has that feel of arrogant superiority from a damn three-year old that describes how Guild Veterans are with Rookies. These are the guild ranks![/hider] Guild Leaders: There are three of these people who you never see at all but know that they are the toughest f**kers in the guild. They run this house. Guild Officials: These are the faces of those who lead exploration parties. They are also tough, and if you disobey any of them, expect no mercy. Sometimes, these are more frightening than the Leaders Guild Veterans: "I know what I'm doing. I survived a dungeon and got some loot! You don't know jack sh*t!" Yeah, they're the cocky sonsofb*tches in this guild. They think they're tough shit and always send Rookies out as advance parties. Such assholes. Rookies: What?! Why aren't they called 'Guild Rookies'? Cause the sky is nice today? I don't know. This is where our characters start out. And finally, the CS! Appearance: Description or Picture, though I like pictures more. If it's a picture, have it anime-esque. It's not some realistic stuff. Name: Self-explanatory. Gender: Again. Age: They're Rookies. 17-21 Class: What is their specialty? Are they a Fighter? A Monk? An Ice Mage? Be original! And don't overlap with other characters. Standing: They're all Rookies! Personality: This is where I'll be judging you. C'mon this ain't no first come, first serve picnic! And that is all for now! Sorry for the long read! I just wanted to clarify as much as I could.