The tension was in the air, one could simply feel it as it could possibly be best described as the calm before the storm. All these would be tamers including herself were standing in this massive coliseum awaiting for the young ling dragons to come out and test and choose their tamers. Ryhana was a guards-women and a tough cookie at that but she also had a heart. As she awaiting with the others for the dragons to emerge and no doubt the ensuing chaos, Ryhana had a moment to think about how she ended up here, it was back in Solona where she was born and lived all her life. She never needed to venture outside the walls unless her duty required her to do so and her hard work had got her to the opportunity to be guard captain something she shed blood, sweat and tears for to prove herself worthy but it was also the time she came into contact with this mysterious fellow called Merrick who seeked an audience with her. He spoke of pretty mad and wondrous things during the conversation which at first made Ryhana think he was mad but something about him peaked her curiosity, He spoke of dragons and tamers, The stuff of myth and legend, Of how he was lead to her to become one of these dragon riders of this old legend, Of course Ryhana although curious dismissed it and took some serious persuading for the woman to leave the city walls to prove what Merrick was telling her to be true, But it paid of as the guard-woman stood in awe at the sight of Obsidian Nova, A large black dragon that flexed its wings and let out a jet of black flames. It was certain one hell of a sight and considering the black darkness that was rumoured to be coming, Ryhana had to make a tough choice stay and be captain of the guard of Solona, Or become a dragon rider from the legends. Her mind now back in the coliseum, It was clear what her decision was, it was not an easy one but felt that she could do more to help and protect those in need on the back of a legendary dragon, But to become a tamer was no easy task from the looks of it as they stood in an arena awaiting young dragon to come out and test them, what this test or bond as Merrick called entailed was a unknown for her and her curiosity is what got her here also even if it has got her right in a pickle of it. The sight of Nova doing his thing once more was amazing but it was a signal of something coming to fruition as Merrick spoke of the dragons being release and that today they would become the stuff of legends, A dragon rider. His was motivating speaking of strength and bravery like he was speaking as a captain of the guard, well this situation was on a much larger and grander scale. Moments later the great wooden doors opened and once again the tension filled the air, Ryhana had no idea how on earth she was to tame a young ling dragon, A simple run and jump on its back saying your mine sounded a little to easy and a little wrong, thoughts crossed her mind though, did she pick one out or did one of these beautiful beast or they choose her? Her wrists where resting on the handle of her short swords, breathing steadily and keeping a calm composure. Within moments a host on dragons of all shape, sizes and colour poured out into the sky and made an amazing mixture of colour in the sky, it was an awe inspiring and beautiful thing to witness that brought a smile to her face. Although that smile evaporated when the dragons turned their attention to herself and others below flying down to see who would run, hide or something of the sort and to see if they would panic from the flames being shot around them. Ryhana senses were on overdrive it was exhilarating and dangerous at the same time, She did not fear of death or serious injury based on that Merrick claimed they would be tamer today and thus must show their abilities to be brave and strong and what these young ones throw at them. Normally by instinct by now she would have drawn her swords but what would that accomplish? instead she unclipped her belt and placed down her weapons on the ground before standing up in a defensive stance as she saw on of the dragons swoop down at her where performed a dodge roll to avoid that particular young dragon playing with the tamers and testing them, she could see others getting their dragons through different means and the most funniest one had to be the guy hanging on to a silver dragons tail, it looks very amusing and certainly couldn't question his determination or his stupidity. In the moment in lapse of concentration there was a thud behind her, Ryhana spun round to see a green dragon standing before her, but not toying with her like the others, maybe this one would provide a different test? She thought to herself, The mighty creature look calm and non aggressive stance. It looked smaller than the others and had distinctive brown eyes and smaller wings, maybe a connection there already smaller and more nimble over brute strength, Something Ryhana trained hard in. The green dragon looked at her, was it curious? sizing her up for compatibility? maybe it was part of the test and she was missing the whole point of it. [b]"Why have you placed your weapons down? You are not afraid of us?"[/b] The dragon projected into her mind, It shocked her of the sheer feeling of that sent chills down her spine, it was an amazing experience even if it was speaking to her and in a female tone, she was a female. Ryhana spoke up [b]"Because I do not wish to bring harm young children, Even if they are bigger than me.... And can fly"[/b] She tailed of hoping it understood her way of saying they are young. Without realizing it this impressed the dragon before her. [b]"And why did you choose to be a warrior?"[/b] was the next question the dragon asked her. [b]"I chose to serve the guard like my father before me, to help protect the innocent and the poor from crime and corruption."[/b] There was a moment of silence. [b]"This is curious, you are a fighter and warrior but with a caring heart.. An interesting combination."[/b] The dragon stepped closer kneeling down closer to her face, Ryhana took a step back but held her ground. But then this unusual feeling came about her, Everything around her and the dragon just faded like it was just one them and no one else. The feeling felt like bliss and amazing, She was bonding with the green dragon, A rush of feelings and emotion, fear and comforts with memories began to feel her mind as Ryhana could feel the dragon within her, they were connected and never before did Ryhana feel so complete, She always felt there was something missing in a life. And when it was all done Ryhana could feel everything the dragon could and its memories since birth, What Merrick had done to help them and protect them was amazing, it was a powerful and emotional feeling that she was still getting used to. [b]"Young tamer, We have bonded, from now on we are always connected together and can feel each other thought's, emotions and memories for we are one"[/b] The female dragon projected into Ryhana's mind who was overwhelmed with emotion as she just experienced the best possible thing in life, She looked a Merrick feeling a great liking and respect for the man for what he has done even if she don't know all about him and his burden yet. [b]"He looked after you for two years and brought us together"[/b] It was a proud moment and Ryhana only wished her father was here to see it as a see looked back at her dragon, A tear slowly going down her face, it was a tear of joy. [b]"Ryhana, Your father would be proud of you, you have honoured him well"[/b] Ryhana smiled more with some extra tears. [b]"You have a heart of gold.... Azadeth"[/b] Ryhana projected into her dragons mind this time before speaking normally again thinking of her father [b]"Thank you" [/b] Ryhana added while placing hand softly onto the side of Azadeth's face and using the other to whip away her tears, there emotional bond was complete.