its no problem at all. Basically he can manipulate his own blood. he can harden it do a durable solid, but far from indestructible. makes for good and sharp weapons and can even create moving blood constructs. um what else... similar to the bio leech ability in Infamous 1&2 he can leech blood from victims but there is a catch. firstly he has to have physical contact with them, that way he inserts his blood into their body then uses it to pull out their blood, making it his. this way he is less likely to have to worry about bleeding out from using his own power. He cannot manipulate anyone else's blood, animal blood doesnt work with him...cuz its not human blood so he cant leech it. The blood usually comes from his hands and if his hand are bound its a lot harder for him to use it. Blood usually comes out of his hands but can of course come out of any open wound on his body. as for the durability of the solidified blood... how should I quantify this? lets go with sheet rock. it can with stand bullets and stuff but not for long. and that is while its condensed. As a liquid...its thicker than water so bullets go through it but slow down, things can slash through it but because its thicker than water it has a higher resistance so its harder to swing through than water.... i wouldnt recommend punching or kicking it cuz well... ik will stick...and attack...and maim...and you might lose a limb...just saying. I'll fix the pic in a second