[b][u][center]WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN AND ACCEPTING, BUT YOU MUST MAKE A GENIN FIRST[/center][/u][/b] [hider=Premise] [center]You're surely familiar with the story of the Sage. The origin of the Tailed Beasts and the Shinobi way. You must be equally aware of the war and conflict that engulfed the land both before and after the formation of the Hidden Villages. This world has experienced Shinobi World War three times to this point, and the third was the bloodiest. Informally known as the War of the Frost, as the primary battleground was the small stretch of land it encompassed, the blood drenched and corpse strewn landscape spoke volumes of the nature of the conflict. The latest mounds of bodies hadn't even been cleared away by the time armies from each major faction in the conflict appeared on the battlefield. There, they were about to fight a battle that would decide the fate of the nations for half a century to come. Just not the way they had expected. For three straight days, the fighting escalated on the plains of the Frost Country. It had gotten to the point where the piles of bodies were an obstacle to any advance on the field. On one small patch of land, in between the dead and the ongoing fighters, a group of exhausted Shinobi chanced upon each other. They were a multi-national bunch, of varying ranks, ages, and genders, but the one trait they shared in common was their lack of will to carry on. And so they simply sat down, right there, in the midst of the battle. Gradually, the perplexing sight of people sitting down wantonly on the battleground began to attract attention. Surprisingly no one took advantage of their vulnerability, and instead approached for the sake of simply asking what they were doing. Reactions varied from disbelief, laughter, and pure outrage, but as this went on, more and more people decided to join them, simply sitting there, laying their weapons down. After some time, one voice spoke up from the middle of the ever growing crowd. "What do you all say we bring an end to this?" The Shinobi world's leaders would all later receive ultimatums from their armies, demanding an immediate end to hostilities. Once again, their responses vacilitated wildly, but in the end, even the most hardline of leaders capitulated. Given the concentration of forces in the Land of Frost, the fear that they might form a new faction and turn on their masters was definitely on people's minds. But with the declaration of an unconditional white peace, the Shinobi from all over the world returned to their villages without an issue. But this wasn't the end. Their goal was achieved, but the ninja who gathered together on that day remained in touch. Only a few years after the declaration of peace, a summit was called. Not one of leadership, but of effectively anyone that desired to discuss the solidification of peace. Essentially, it was a meeting of those who had participated in the Frost campaign, but with the addition of a few others. None of the Kage participated, however. When the talks began, they were largely unstructured, and it was rather chaotic, especially due to the number of people there. Eventually, an agreement was reached; the Shinobi gathered there would form the basis for an international organization. One that agreed to assist each other in avoiding war and developing the nations peacefully. They would all return to their villages and continue to act as loyal servants. But they would always remember to act in unison when the threat of war hung over their heads. This organisation they named "Shinobi International". At the head of this organisation was a man called Masayuki Taira. He was amongst the first that stopped fighting in the Frost, and he was the one that asked them all to work together to end the war. He represented the group when it encountered the first challenges to it's existence. The fact they had organised themselves into some new group had flared up suspicions that they had designs on power for themselves yet again, but Masayuki Taira hadn't brought peace to the nations just to end up fighting anyone now. After a long period of negotiation, the leaders of the villages agreed to allow this new organisation to exist unhindered under the promise of every member of the group working to develop all the villages equally. With that out of the way, the International got to work. It has been 50 years since the founding of the International. Their existence has become an accepted fact in the nations. They alone are trusted to travel between countries so as to offer mutual aid to all. Under their supervision, the notion of war has become a tall tale that old men tell their grandchildren to scare them straight. And the man credited with this period of peace, Masayuki Taira, is dead. He passed away in his sleep not long ago, and his funeral is to be held soon. Though this means the end of an era, most are not truly concerned; the International is still strong, and the system they put in place will continue regardless of the loss of their leader. It seems likely that the peace will continue for years yet to come. [b][u]Hopefully[/u][/b]...[/center][/hider] [hider=Shinobi International] The organisation as founded by Masyuki Taira roughly 50 years ago. In a nutshell, it's a neutral organisation of Shinobi from all walks of life that have agreed to strive towards a peaceful world and the mutual development of the nations. Members of this organisation are expected to offer their services to any and all that require them, but they are forbidden from engaging in nation specific tasks, especially ones of an aggressive nature, like espionage and sabotage. Their aim is to remain mostly detached from village politics, and also to lobby against warfare and aggression in all forms. Members of Shinobi International can come from just about any place in society. Even Genin can join, though their services as teachers are not usually requested. Often, Shinobi International requests for volunteers for the Transitory Shinobi Unit, or TSU as it's often called. Members of this unit travel between the nations in order to patrol the land and also build a rapport between villages by offering their teaching services to multiple villages rather than just the one. Though they only stay in any one place for a short period of time, it is the hope of Shinobi International that these activities will foster a bond between the various nations and one day eliminate the distinctions between them. Other members of Shinobi International are permitted to remain in their home villages or any other village they choose to reside in. They are entitled to act more or less like a typical member of their chosen village, but as members of Shinobi International, they are of course forbidden from getting involved in village politics. Though it is not a duty that Shinobi International likes to speak of openly, they are also expected to keep watch on activities within the village and report on the posibility of aggressive action on part of the village's leadership. They are also encouraged to speak out if the leadership decides to take up policies that do not reflect those desired by the International. There isn't a great deal of heirarchy amongst the lay membership of Shinobi International. Often one's village rank determines their suitability for assignments, but else they don't follow a strict chain of command. The only true leadership is that of the regional directors. Each village has a local head of Shinobi International operations. They are responsible for managing local members of the International and assigning duties to them as they see fit. They also act as the liason between the Shinobi International overall leadership and local village leaders. At the head of Shinobi International is naturally it's Chief Director. This was originally Masayuki Taira, before he passed away. The Chief Director governs from the Shinobi International HQ in the land of Frost. They give orders to the regional directors and decide the overall policy of the International. In the event of a crisis, they are likely to get involved directly in order to resolve it in favor of the International's ideals. It's not uncommon for the Director to travel out from the HQ in order to inspect the situation in any given village, or to investigate potential problems wherever they may pop up. [/hider] [center]Welcome to Naruto: The Illusion of Peace. If you didn't already notice it up the top, [b][u]WE'RE ALWAYS OPEN[/u][/b]. In a nutshell, this is an AU Naruto RP that only relates to the show in name, universe and mechanics. You'll find no canon characters here for sure. You can also only join the villages that you can see on the roster for now. More might be considered in future. Also, you're all free to join the Shinobi International, but I am going to put limits on the number of those that aren't attached to villages permanently. I hope you will consider joining.[/center] [hider=Rules] 1. Respect the rules of the Guild at all times. 2. Standard policies against godmoding, powerplaying and other typical roleplaying problems. 3. Your first character is a Genin. That's non negotiable. 4. If you didn't read the OP, everyone is entitled to point at you and laugh. 5. We have a great many issues with a great many canon things. I'm not sure I could list them all, but a few are as follows; Body Flicker, Eternal/Mangekyo Sharingan, Shikotsumyaku, Steel Release, Dark Release, Swift Release, Dust Release, and of course, the Rinnegan. These will either be heavily nerfed or completely out of the question. If you really must ask for them, do at least consider how to nerf them yourselves. Else, I strongly recommend you don't even try. 6. If you desire to leave the RP, I will make allowances for you to handle your own character's death/sidelining yourself, within reason. You have to clear this with me first, naturally. However, if you disappear without a trace, I will not hesitate to clean up the mess on my own. 7. Due to the volatile nature of plots and the like in any RP, let alone Naruto RPs, I do reserve the right to make universal decisions on anything pertaining to the progression of this RP. I prefer to leave people to their personal plots, but anything that could potentially impact on the entire game has to be cleared by me or else it will not be. 8. I do not mind if you voice your opinion. But at the end of the day, my decisions will be final. 9. No reserving characters. All important positions, Kage especially, are open and encouraged to be fought over. I will not accept you just because you were first. Nor because you [u][b]think[/b][/u] your sheet is best. 10. Jinchuuriki will not belong to anyone from the start. While I might consider letting a character start as one later on, you may create none at the beginning. And you certainly may not reserve one. 11. Be the bigger person and stop arguing before I have to step in and stop you. I don't care who is right, I don't tolerate confrontations. If I think there's a problem, I will solve it, not you. [/hider] [hider=Suggestions] (None of these are binding, but I won't take kindly to them being ignored) -I would rather this RP didn't become Uchiha central. Let's try not to make them dominate the RP, yes? -Hybrids solely for the purpose of slapping together KG and/or clan traits are frowned upon. If you really must, then at least try to give them a good, inspired reason for being. -Let's all try to avoid cliches. I don't want to be a douche about it, but everyone being the nicest most Shonen people in the world makes me suffer on the inside. -Try to be proactive. You can't count on people to chase you around all day long. If you're really struggling, please speak up about it. I will try to help you if I can. -You don't have to have a Kekkei Genkai. If you really insist on having something like that, why not try making a Hiden? [/hider] [b][u]CS Template[/u][/b] (You don't have to use this one, but you do at least need to cover most of the important fields in your own. Superfluous details like sexuality are optional) [b][u]Name[/u][/b]: [i][u]Nickname/Alias[/u][/i]: [i][u]Gender[/u][/i]: [b][u]Age[/u][/b]: [i][u]Age Appearance[/u][/i]: [i][u]Sexuality:[/u][/i] [b][u]Village[/u][/b]: [i][u]Birthplace[/u][/i]: [i][u]Organization[/u][/i]: [b][u]Clan/Bloodline[/u][/b]: [b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: [b][u]Chakra Nature[/u][/b]: [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: [hider=Appearance]Put image here[/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: [u][b]History[/b][/u]: ========================================= [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b][u][/u]: [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance]Put image/description here[/hider] ==================== [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance]Put image/description here[/hider] ========================================= [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] (Place unique traits like [I]"High Chakra levels"[/I] or [I]"multiple limbs"[/I] here. If it isn't here it won't be counted, even if you come from the Uzumaki clan, high chakra won't be accepted unless here.) [b][u]Kekkei Genkai[/u][/b]: [b]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/b] [b]Clan:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] ========================================= [b][u]Jutsu[/u][/b]: [hider=Canon Jutsu] [URL="URL of Jutsu on Narutopedia"]NAME OF JUTSU[/URL] [/hider] [hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Range:[/b] [b]Nature Type:[/b] [B]Handseals:[/B] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] ==================== [b]Name of Technique:[/b] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Range:[/b] [b]Nature Type:[/b] [B]Handseals:[/B] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] [/hider] [B][U]Summons[/U][/B] [hider=Summons] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Species:[/B] [I]Age:[/I] (If applicable) [I]Size:[/I] (Small, medium, large, colossal. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.) [B]Unique Traits:[/B] (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.) [B]Jutsu:[/B] [B]History:[/B] (Optional) [/hider]