[hider=Atrus]Name: Atrus Talan Age: 23 Race: Human Appearance: [url=http://www.elfwood.com/art/m/c/mccracken/magewalk.jpg]This, but younger.[/url] Personality: Calm, quiet, observant, and on very few occasions, a little odd, Atrus loved his magic to heart and uses it for just about everything that he does in life. He chose to be a battle mage rather than an alchemist in his early teens, but stills knows how to craft a potion or two. History: Atrus grew up in a community of Mages of all sorts, and just about everyone used the arcane arts in some form or another. He grew up originally as an alchemist, but during his early teens he instead decided to be a battle mage, casting spells for more of an offensive use, and sometimes not always the most practical uses. He grew in his skill over time and eventually sought to travel the world in search of more teachings. Weapons/Equipment: WIP Other Info:WIP[/hider] Alright, the first order of business here is to start off. Anyone can start from wherever, unless they don't start from the town of.... well, they're going to have to go to the town that has yet to be named!