Charlie suppressed another yawn, willing herself not to rub her eyes like a five-year-old. The floor beneath her feet felt cool as she slowly shifted her weight from foot to foot. [i]“I know I keep repeating myself, but I just can’t tell you enough how grateful I am.”[/i] Charlie smiled. "It's really not a problem, I'm glad your h-here." her voice stuttered slightly as she felt Mila's icy hand slowly weave itself through her own. 'Why does she make me so nervous?' Charlie tugged unconsciously at the edge of her skirt, a nervous habit she had gained sometime during her childhood. She could remember constantly being scolded by her mother for playing with her clothes and ruining most of her pretty skirts and dresses not that she had been an overly dressy kind of child. Realizing what she was doing, Charlie laughed slightly releasing her skirt and linking both hands in front of her. "I agree. I think this will be a good thing." Slowly, and somewhat reluctantly, Charlie started making her way towards the door. "Tomorrows my day off, too." She murmured, stopping in the doorway and turning around. "I was going to spend the day cleaning and practicing, but if you need any help...?" She trailed off and leaned against the door frame, rubbing her neck slightly. "Anyways. We can talk more in the morning." Her voice cracked with a tired yawn. "G'night." Charlie shifted out of the room and pulled the door shut behind her. The audible click as it latched into place threw her into a silence that was very familiar in her apartment. Actually, today was probably the most action this place had seen in a while, unless you count Mrs. Walton dropping by with one of her delicious pies or some other bake good that lasted all of one day considering Charlie had no concept of 'self control' when it came to sweets. She stood outside the room, rubbing her her face slightly before turning towards the bathroom just across the hall. It was late and her body felt thick with fatigue as she quickly ran a toothbrush over her teeth and peeled off her sweater and skirt. The long day had made the clothing limp and warm as they dropped to the floor by her feet and she pulled on her housecoat. Char pulled the door open, listening to the squeak of un-oiled hinges and padding slowly down the hallway, flicking off some lights as she went, Char pulled open her door and stepped into her messy room wit a disdained moan. It felt wrong to have the house so messy when there was another person there, even if the mess was mostly centered around her bedroom. Still. she couldn't help but pile the clothes in the hamper and put away some of the other obstacles that had somehow found their way to her floor. With the room somewhat organized (or at least less of a pigsty then before) she was finally able to pull on a loose t-shirt and climb into her crisp covers. The sheets felt good against her smooth, bare legs as she snuggled deeper into the pillows that piled on the bed like the worlds highest pillow mountain. She couldn't sleep without pillows or blankets cocooning her body, even in the heat of summer, there was something about the vulnerability of sleeping without blankets that scared her for some strange reason. However, tonight she just couldn't sleep. Her mind was restlessly going over the events of the day that had started off with her normal coffee and pastry and ended with a stranger sleeping in her spare room. It was a welcome break to her mundane routine that seemed so monotonous now. Flipping over to her side, Charlie's heavy eyelids blinked shut, her reeling mind slowed and she drifted into a deep, exhausted sleep.