[quote=idlehands] So glad I can't relate to that. [/quote] [quote]I was 19 when I first experienced sleep paralysis, and that time it took the form of man lying on top of me, so heavy that it was hard for me to breathe. [img=http://0.tqn.com/d/paranormal/1/G/j/B/oldhag.gif] [img]http://www.ghosttheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/old-hag-300x294.jpg[/img] The victims awake to find that they cannot move, even though they can see, hear, feel and smell. There is sometimes the feeling of a great weight on the chest and the sense that there is a sinister or evil presence in the room. So what is this “Old Hag” and how to you avoid it? The answer might be as simple as blaming narcolepsy for the ghoulish episodes. Neuropsychiatrists have gathered some important data from the dozens of cases studied each year. Most patients have exhausted all avenues in trying to rid themselves of the terrifying syndrome. Some even seeking an Exorcist. But what modern science has to say can put many at ease…at least until they get “the visit”.[/quote] [quote]It isn't just sleep paralysis it is nightmares too. When I was a teenager it was mostly shadowy figures standing around my bed, sometimes one, sometimes many. Sometimes they were silent, sometimes they were whispering. Once when I was scared I felt like I'd been punched in the face. I was crying because I was scared and my face was wet... but I'd also had a nosebleed too. My youngest experience was around nine or ten, I woke up terrified unable to move. I was straining to scream and I was screaming in my head. I didn't notice when it passed and I was screaming aloud. Of all the dreams the old lady crawling up the bed is worst. I have another dream that is similar, I feel the covers move and something steps over me and a cat paws at my side and lays beside me. There are other numerous things, we all have, but these stand out for me. Any advice? The shadows are scary but the old lady or old hag really scares the hell out of me. I am literally in terror in my room. I have waking nightmares, thinking she is in the room, or that she is in the bed with me, or at the base of the bed or under it - i don't know! I'd just like her gone again, for good! [/quote] http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110406153232AAOngfn http://paranormal.about.com/od/humanenigmas/a/Old-Hag-Syndrome.htm