[quote=Beta] The first like 15-20 episodes of Part 1 were an exercise in stupidity until they actually got into the action scenes. So your comparison is as I remarked in your quote. It's not illegal to have fun, nor is it illegal to have something somewhat nonsensical. Hell, I have a Kazekage with "1000 years of death" as a jutsu, but with an explosive tag. Call me hypocritical, but that's just silly. Here's the thing, though. I already explained how and why no Genin should have extravagant titles. Nickname or not, they make no sense.That said, it's not my fucking character, nor is it my RP. Call yourself "Incomparable Golden Sun-Child" for all I care. I was just trying to make you not seem like a jackass.And before Yog says anything... Yog... [/quote] Beta.... Just don't