Adinraen landed on the ground below with not much more than a whispering thud. He knew one, or both, of his freshly taunted foes would be after him within moments. Quickly, he turned on his heels; racing down one of the many alleys that would cause the dragons to have to give chase from above, making it an aerial to ground battle - or both would have to make it to the ground. It would be interesting to see if the large dragon had the ability to become somewhat humanoid like her half-dragon friend. As he raced through the streets, the first thing he did was anchor his domination, so that he had a steady area to work with. Moving too much would ruin the chase and make things too easy for him. He had a diameter of eight hundred feet to work in, more than enough for his plan of attack. With that done, he quickly sheathed his Bone Blades and removed his Ring Blade, if the battle was to be aerial this would be the weapon to have -especially if he stayed in his area of domination. The lack of people around would have perturbed a normal being, but Adinraen liked it. It meant they were dead or dying - sadly it couldn't be because of him. Adinraen came to a bit of a stop, turning and seeing his aerial dragon foe - it was the smaller of the two - coming after him. He readied himself, not knowing what the dragon lady would do next. He had already prepared a defense, as well as a way to move around the field all in the same go. Within his area of domination, he could feel things moving - including the familiar foot steps of his leader, Dynoz. Perhaps Dynoz would benefit as well. His domination had given him plenty of effects, aside from being able to manipulate the area. His energies had become one with it - and he would exercise his cruel dominion to startling effects. The dragon had come closer and obviously saw the circular blade wielding Demon. How did he know? Because there was a torrent of fire spewing from the half dragons mouth, coming straight for him. Normally, one would want to hide from a column of fire, but Adinraen was not the one for normal measures. Instead, he quickly rose his arms and all through his eight hundred foot diameter, which translated into an area of five hundred and two thousand six hundred fifty four feet, contained with a two thousand five hundred and thirteen foot circumference, and formed a multitude of pillars including one right in front of him to block the flames. Peppered throughout the area now, would pillars of all shapes and sizes - portals to him. From behind the pillar, protecting him from harm, he rolled and launched with magnificent force, his Ring Blade towards Evvie. With the power, and his domination, it would clear about half the length of the flames within moments, but perhaps would not reach the woman by the time she stopped spewing the flames to move. It didn't matter, if Dynoz had took the signal, the woman would be done for soon. He was close and still coming, he couldn't be any less than ninety percent of the way towards them now. But, should the Ring Blade strike true, the Dragon lady would need to deal with anything ranging from a nick, to a severed limb or artery, depending on the hit. Adinraen was already beginning to move - beginning to play his game!