[Center][B]Lass[/B][/Center] --- A child's laughter was echoing in an alley [B]"W-What?! Who's there?!"[/B] shouted the thug at the voice [B]"I-I'll kill you kid once I see you!"[/B] he screamed once more as he took a knife out his pocket. Soon, the voice spoke [B]"Well, what if you didn't see me?"[/B] mocked Lass as he rose from the shadow behind the thug. Dark particles rose beside Lass and soon morphed into a dagger [B]"Hello!"[/B] he called to the thug as he plunged the dagger on his back [B]"GAAAAAAH!!!"[/B] screamed by the man [B]"YOU BASTARD!"[/B] he swung his knife behind him, but there was no one there [B]"D-Don't mess with me kid!"[/B] his voice wavered as he continued to act tough. Lass then appeared once more and this time, he took out two daggers and stabbed the thug once more [B]"W-WHAT THE HELL?!"[/B] he screamed in pain as he knelt on the ground [B]"Goodbye mister."[/B] said Lass while raising a dark hammer [B]"It was nice [I]killing[/I] you."[/B] then soon after, the thug laid on the ground with blood streaming down his head. The daggers behind him disappeared and so did the hammer [B]"Let's see!"[/B] he walked towards the corpse and grabbed what was inside the man's pocket [B]"Bingo."[/B] taking out what was inside, a wallet was revealed and inside it was a nice amount of money. Lass shoved it inside his messenger bag then removed the coat that he was wearing to prevent blood from getting on his clothes while heading out of the alley. To avoid being suspected at, he camouflaged himself in the shadows and once he was far from the alley, he made himself visible again [B]"That's the second one today."[/B] he said to himself while grabbing the contents of his messenger bag. [B]"Now then! Where am I?"[/B] he looked around and noticed that he was in front of a coffee shop [B]"Ah! A drink would be nice while thinking about things."[/B] Lass entered the shop and headed to the counter [B]"Hot chocolate please."[/B] he ordered and placed the money needed for the beverage. His drink was made after a short while and he sat at the corner of the shop while drinking. Suddenly, he noticed that a person started running all of a sudden [I][B]'There's something different about him...'[/B][/I] he thought but the crowd was a hindrance to Lass's observation [B][I]'It's probably nothing.'[/I][/B] then he continued his drink while deciding where to go next.