[U]Koatsu[/U] Luckily, the last hollow had just enough time to raise its guard, coming face to face with the death's harbinger. "Nothing will stop me from destroying that filthy carcass you consider a body." Koatsu quickly spun his Zanpakuto into the thrust formation before forcing it through his opponent's guard once they came into contact with it. The blade pinned both of the demon's palms to its chest, while the tip could be seen exiting the monster's back. "Once you say your farewells, then your soul will finally be purified. So one last question I ask to one of the impurities that attempted to wreak havoc on this realm, any last words before your untimely end?" low Words that could barely be heard left the Shinigami's mouth as he tightened his grip on his Zanpakuto. "You expect me to di....!!!!" The Hollow's words were quickly silenced by the Zanpakuto inside of it that suddenly rose up, splitting its upper half all the way to the head in half. After the blade did it's damage, Koatsu forced it back downwards in the same way it left the Hollow's body. The demon was split into two halves shortly after, making a smile grow on Koatsu's face. "Everything is over and done with?" His eyes turned to the dead Shingami before slowly reverting back to his old self.