Mermaid / Sailor idea - in the early 18th Century, a scholar who has lost everything he loved decides to commit suicide in the most unusual way: by stranding himself on a desert island in the Pacific. Little does he know that the island is also the central focus for a pod of mermaids! Their usual wont is to lure men into clutches, use them and then kill them (in some versions, they are cannibals as well.) Only being half-deaf, it's hard for any of them to lure him off of the island. So when one finally goes up on land to find out what the story is, she becomes puzzled at how unlike all the sailors, whalers, fishermen and so forth he is. He in turn is puzzled at what a beautiful young woman is doing out in the middle of the ocean to begin with and why is she naked?? As they both work to solve their questions about one another, the rest of the mermaid pod is getting upset that this man remains in their midst.