Bingo! Buttercup got it! After reading everything you put and judging by what I've seen of you so far in OOC, I trust you'll make a great character, Rin! :D I have a few more people who are working on the characters as we speak. There will be a few more characters to come, including Fabricant's character. Thank you very much! He/she (I'm not sure what gender you are...Sorry!) has volunteered to play our villain and we have been discussing the evil goals involved. Plus, the IC will up sometime tonight. :) I am going to try and keep it simple until we know for sure who is in and who isn't. Please try to do the same. By that I mean, two people shouldn't post back and forth by themselves for three hours resulting in 18 new posts for everyone to read before they can post their intro. Okay? :D Also, I wanted to talk about the crests. Now, I was not planing on simply assigning them based on which fits the character best. But if that's what everyone wants, I could. I wondered if you wanted everyone to pick their own, but that could result in fights. I'd need a way to decide then. I suppose another way is to randomize them. Have everyone pick a number or something. What do you guys think?