Cool, I'll try to get OOC up by tonight. [i]-Weapon:[/i] Battleaxe [i]-Age & Gender:[/i] 28, Male [i]-Name/Alias:[/i] Byron Wellgrade [i]-Character Branch:[/i] Melee [i]-Personality:[/i] Energetic, collected, authoritative, personable. [i]-Bio:[/i] Byron has lived in the Southern region since the fall of the empire and is well-familiar with The Great Hunt, although this is his first year participating. Byron Wellgrade hails from the snowy prefecture of Maulhaut, several hundred miles away from Vrost. His father before him participated in the competition a total of four times throughout his life, so Byron feels he has quite a legacy to live up to. Although he is a novice to the guild competition, Byron has slaughtered several Furious on the outskirts of Vrost, but nothing will prepare him for The Great Hunt.