The North? Asbel repressed a shiver at the very idea. He was a desert creature: he wanted heat and warmth that blazed as hot as he did. The North would be cold and full of rain, and the sun, if it rose there at all, would be perpetually under the thrall of storm clouds. And to be sent as a tool -- a breathing medicine kit. Of course that as what he would be wanted as, and of course such a trip would be labeled as punishment. But at the same time... the phoenix felt the smallest stir of excitement in the pit of his stomach. He would be able to leave the castle, if only just this once. He would be able to see what he must have seen in lives past -- the mountains, for one, and other cities for another. And even if he was terrified of Cassius, he would be able to fly! To see the world from above, as it was meant to be seen! Not even dragging Frey along as dead weight could diminish that beautiful promise. "I will go," he agreed, though the Oracle had, by then, already vanished. Augustine heard him, though and cast him a politely surprised glance; Asbel colored in embarrassment and pressed his lips together in silence. Traveling with the esteemed older brother of his tormentor, well... that would be a challenge, perhaps. "That is all settled, then. Asbel, meet us by the gardens after you have breakfasted." Augustine bowed and turned on his heel to begin his exit of the room. "Frey, come with me. I will walk you back to your room."