Herro there, I am Ulti or Puzle or Puzpuz. I just want to make a small disclaimer that I only rp as girls. I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear and Im sorry, but I can't get into a guys mindset. Anyways from time to time I get a craving for a 1x1 rp so I just decided to make a list of pairings I have in mind. I usually can write up to a paragraph, but i my normal length is two to four sentences. Low to high free mainly. If you like one pairing in particular, pm.me and I'll send you the plot I had in mind. Delinquent girl stays with a cop and his son. popular guy falls for the nerd bullyxvictim Abusive relationship. we only met once my shoulder to cry on. Brother's best friend. Boyfriend's best friend Bad boy and nerdy girl If you have any ideas yourself please feel free to comment them or pm me:) I'll add more on as they come :)