Was Blanchette pulling a crazy streak? Prince Frey still couldn't believe her punishment was to force him out of the kingdom and into the Northern Territory, where not even the bandits would flee to. He shot a glare at Asbel as the phoenix spoke. "I will go..." Frey taunted in a high-pitched avian voice. With that, he absently brushed imaginary dust off of his clothes and, as slow as he could, made his way to his armor-clad brother. He could feel Augustine's honor and power radiating off him in waves, brighter than any flame Bachus could conjure up. This was the reason so many looked up to him. Young girls wanted to marry him, young boys wanted him as their older brother. Frey shot a backwards glance to Asbel before getting any closer to the General. "...Sorry..." He said after a long period of anxious staring. Now that he was to be traveling with Asbel, it was in his best interests... to back off. The Snap-Spire Mountains had their name for a reason. There were countless legends about them, and the only safe way to traverse the natural barrier was the Sky Bridge that had been crafted by magics. Unfortunately, the bridge no longer existed and their only option was to go over the harsh land. In such a scenario, Frey knew he wouldn't die so long as Asbel and Cassuis were there. With that he turned back to his brother with a scowl. "General." He addressed coldly before putting both hands behind his back and strolling out the door like he was a classy, well-mannered prince. As the castle knew, he was princely only by appearance and not conduct nor attitude. Frey thought of running away, but bit his lip and leaned against the wall before his brother came out. There were a few tears forming in the corners of his eyes and he gasped softly. He wasn't afraid of the mountains, he was afraid of leaving the castle. What was so safe about it? Well, the Almighty Oracle had the power to veil the castle in a protective spell. While Frey still suffered from his curse, he could not die from it. As for what that curse was... Few others than Blanchette and Bachus even knew. Though Frey had a feeling others knew something was... off, they didn't know what was going on. He knew his brother wanted to speak to him... Perhaps, for once, he would cooperate.