[i]Two weeks later[/i] The last two weeks were long, but it felt like it was all worth it. Kaelyn caught up with her work and was set to change her major for the next semester. Everything was going smoothly. She finally returned to soccer and that was harder to get back into after a small break. Kaelyn was rusty, but managed to pull herself through with talent and determination. The only thing that concerned her was her relationship with Katrina. And Landon, of course. But, after that moment in her room, it seemed like things were going to be just fine. However, it hadn't changed what she had done to Katrina. She planned to apologize profusely on the night of the formal, which happened to be this very night. Kaelyn, Katrina, and other soccer teammates had worked to plan and set up the event. Kaelyn was at the head of it, and although it was chaotic, they raised sufficient funds and put together a beautiful finished product. Kaelyn herself was impressed with the decorations and the great set-up of the entire place. However, she just hoped the night would go on without any major set-backs. The time people would arrive was almost there. The girls all went back to their rooms to get dressed. Kaelyn knew Katrina had a beautiful green dress she was going to arrive in that was surely going to stun everyone in the room. Kaelyn felt like she might go with a simple and elegant white dress. But, she laughed it off and thought it was too much unlike her personality. Instead she dressed up with a short and tight, super sexy red dress that would knock everyone off their feet. Kaelyn arrived at the formal. Music was blaring and people were dancing. Laughs and chatter echoed throughout the room. People looked to be enjoying themselves and it brought a smile to her face. She held her head high and strutted into the formal, guys and girls alike had to do double and triple takes when she passed by. Even professors took notice. She was exactly where she wanted to be.