[center][img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/237/b/4/cartoon_girl___concept_by_shadosk-d5cdr4p.jpg][/center] [center]║Full Name║ Olivia "Liv" [/center] [center]║Birthday & Age║ November 13th (16) [/center] [center]║Ethnicity║ American Citizen[/center] [center]║Species║ Human[/center] [center]║Gender║ Female[/center] [center]║Sexual Orientation║ Straight[/center] [center]║Physical Description║ Smooth, easily manageable, short hair that is dyed black. Emerald, slightly golden, eyes that she hides behind sunglasses due to a strong sensitivity to sunlight. Five freckles, yes, she's counted, across her the bridge of her nose. Always wears combat style boots, to increase her height. She hates being 5'5" and constantly hopes that someday she'll have a sudden growth spurt. A modest build for a young teenager, she's quite comfortable and content with her body. She dresses herself, primarily, in dark clothing and favors chains/studded belts/collars rather than feminine jewelry.[/center] [center]║Likes║ ✔ Chocolate & Mints ✔ Soda & Boba Tea ✔ Loud Music ✔ Reading ✔ Privacy ✔ Animals ✔ Cultures ✔ Computers ✔ Cold Weather [/center] [center]║Dislikes║ ✘ Coffee ✘ Spiders ✘ Snakes ✘ Impolite Behavior ✘ Narrow Mindedness ✘ Flying ✘ Physical Confrontation ✘ Sleazy Women ✘ Hot Weather ✘Responsibilities [/center] [center]║Personality║ The center of attention, she isn't someone to ignore. She enjoys being the main attraction, never gets embarrassed. The spotlight is her rightful place. She loves making people smile and strives to spread happiness through laughter. Although she may come across as introverted, when not comfortable in her surroundings, she is almost always seen wearing a smile.[/center] [center]║Powers, Skills, & Talents║ She has the ability to see ghosts, supernatural creatures and this includes the Guardians. When she was a very young child, barely a year old, she encountered Santa Clause as he visited her house on Christmas Eve. She started to scream, frightening the jolly Guardian. He shushed her cries, giving her a fluffy Reindeer stuffed toy. Ever since that day, North has always kept her in a special part of his heart. She writes him monthly letters and never asks for presents.[/center] [center][+] Education: Currently enrolled in High School, her grades aren't excellent, but she's on track to graduate.[/center] [center][+] Domestic: Growing up in an orphanage, she's mastered the basics of daily care and knows how to survive without assistance.[/center] [center]║Weaknesses, Disabilities, & General Flaws║[/center] [center][-] Oddities: Aside from being able to communicate with supernatural creatures? She's also very artistic and often has dreams about the Guardians. Once a month, during the Full Moon, she'll gain golden colored eyes and her skin becomes extremely pale. She hides this transformation from everyone and isolates herself when this happens.[/center] [center]║History║ - Her biological mother was the Guardian of Creativity & Individualism, she was kidnapped by Pitch and hasn't been since or heard from since her disappearance. - Her biological father was a human, but he committed suicide after his wife's murder and gave up their newly born daughter for adoption. - She lives in the orphanage, but she considers the other children her siblings and hopes to someday have a family. - Once a month, on every Full Moon, she inherits her mother's previous title and becomes a Guardian. However, this is a temporary change and she's not actually a member of the Guardians. [/center] [center]* * *[/center] [center] I'm also playing.....[b]Bunnymund![/b][/center] [center][img=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/355/6/f/_rise_of_the_guardians_oc__benjamin_by_jassycrazy-d5opkcm.jpg][/center]