"#You let a good snack go to waste, Scipio," spoke a hissing voice from within the mind of the relaxing teen. "#I haven't eaten in a long time, why do you starve me?" Scipio smirked as he took another sip of his iced mocha. The two often conversed with each other on pretty much anything and everything that happened, so it was no surprise to him that the symbiote was complaining about his decision to simply let the mutant thug go splt against the pavement. "Ah can it would you? The last time we fed was like, three hours ago with that common mug in an alley. Besides, you've technically been living off me for years now, and that's why your species even bonds with other organisms in the first place!" A couple of eyebrows were raised at Scipio's audible response to seemingly nothing and no one. Some even said, "What's with all the weirdos around here today?" Another sip of the drink. "#Yes, but a bond as advanced and powerful as ours sometimes requires supplements to ensure the most beneficial consequences for both of us. Not to mention your... other powers, which is something completely foreign to my species." "Kay whatever. You've gone longer without your extra vitamins before, don't know why you're complaining now." Scipio scanned the surrounding people in the coffee shop and caught sight of a girl with red hair examining some ads against the wall. Really? Searching for jobs in a place that was more or less closer to the poorer parts of Arcus? Scipio decided to walk over to her and give a few words. "You'd probably find some better jobs up north, you know. I've heard they're big on reporters and journalists considering there's always something going on. Hell, there's even a story down the road right now!" While he spoke, he sensed something change in the atmosphere. He wasn't being alerted to any danger, but whatever it was that caused the shift had certainly the potential for it. It was... attuned to something..