Grimlock was annoyed. Everything was small, too small. He was too big for this room he was in, and was in a crouching position. All he could remember was falling, falling into the blackness after attempting to escape the explosion after Shockwave's experiment exploded. He had no idea where he was, clearly not Cybertron anymore. His scanned the room, and noticed all sorts of creatures around him. Many of them were smaller than him. He thought out loud to himself, "where am I" in his usual gruff and tortured sounding voice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ He had no idea where he was. Some place filled with weird looking aliens. He knew he was called Experiment 626, and he knew what had happened prior to arriving here. He was in the middle of escaping his captors, and was just about to enter a police cruiser when he reached the memory block. He took a couple sniffs, and checked himself. He was still wearing the prisoner suit provided for him, and he still had his four plasma blasters. He also noticed he had some sort of device on his neck. He contemplated trying to remove it, however it seemed to be doing no damage. He approached one of the creatures cautiously, and pointed his weapons at it. "Takanate, chitea chitea!" he shouted in his alien language.