Full Name: Jay Rayne Hometown: Manchester, New Hampshire, USA Age: 21 [hider=Appearance: ][img]http://thestore.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/gareth-pugh-black-forest-layered-hoodie-53484-682x1024.jpg[/img][/hider] Powers: Superhuman speed, reaction, and endurance Occupation: College student Cause of Death: It was at his birthday party. Things got out of hand. He drank too much. Well, everyone drank too much but it was his party, so he drank the most. He was dead for fifteen minutes before the first person tried shaking his shoulder. They thought he was joking, but the punch line wasn't until after he was declared dead. He came back. You think waking up the next morning with a hangover is hell? Well, he came back from hell to the worst hangover in humanity's long and painful history of hangovers. Biography: Jay had always been good at being good at things. He was smart, but not overly so, and he was popular, but never alienated those who weren't. He kept fit by swimming through high school, but he never was the fastest. His parents - his mom, Emily, is an elementary school teacher, and his dad, David, is an professor at Dartmouth - were both so happy when he went off to MIT for college. He somehow managed to keep up his balancing act of school and friends, even throwing in the occasional random party and stupid antics that his friends got him into. His friends might have been stupid anytime they got together, but they were okay. They even threw him a huge birthday party when he turned twenty-one. Happy birthday. Q: Would the mind be sped up to compensate for the super speed? Q: Would he seriously harm himself if he touched something while moving at super speed?