Ayashi closed her eyes and took a moment to regain her breath from her little activity, she then opened her eyes and pushed the blanket off of her revealing her nakedness. Only piece of clothing being her panties, she began crawling towards the end of the bed. As said, she didn't care about showing her breast much, as long as there wasn't any huge perverts around trying to grope her, and she could tell that Yu wasn't that big of a pervert. When she got to the edge of the bed she reached down and grabbed her bra she spoke, "Maybe it's that Hollow inside you, we know that can happen. But how it happened to you? Maybe a Hollow attacked you in the past?" She then stood up putting on her bra, Shitagi, and then her Shihakushō. When she finished she turned to Yu, trying to get a good look at his face. Before, she knew something was different about him from when she read him in the training room and the forest, and from what she learned about Hollowfication this is what it sounded like.