Celestia looked at the man that just told her he wanted to fight her. She did recognize him but she smiled softly. "I knew I should not use my magic yet.." She said and nodded. "Running away is for cowards, and saying I don't want to fight you will probably not work" She said, more to herself and so the looked at her sword. "Well.. Let's do this then.. Just know, I am not here to kill" she said. She waited for him to attack first, she was not gonna attack first. She had learned not to attack first, that was why her defense also was stronger than her attacks. Her magic could be seen as a sign from a noble family, at least for those who knew the Lightningbreath family. She looked at the man and wondered how long it had taken him to get a ponytail like that, it looked good on him and made him look like a samurai fighter, or something like that. (Ik excuseer mij alvast voor eventuele spelfouten vandaag, mama is op dit moment in de OK voor een operatie aan haar hand.. Niets heel ernstigs maar je kent me.. Ik maak me toch wel zorgen...)