Paige watched him dash across the sand like a broken field runner, his legs and arms pumping rhythmically and within seconds he was out of the open stretch of beach and into the forest. She stayed quiet, moving toward the man slowly, trying not to disturb the plants around her that might give away her position to whoever was firing at him. She caught sight of him looking around and studied him a moment. He was very fit, tattooed and healthy looking, definitely a tourist as he lacked the menace of one of the mercenaries who often visited the resort town. She brushed back the blonde strands that clung to her brow, damp with sweat from both the close humidity of the jungle and her fear. Her desire to run and find her way back to the Go Forth compound was great but she did not want to leave the man behind. Whoever was fighting seemed to be targeting him, whether because of who he was or just because he was not one of them remained to be seen. "Hey..." she whispered, poking her head out from behind a palm tree. "Hey, you, come here." Paige looked around nervously, wondering just how close the shooters were. She was also unsure just how far off the road they were, she had bolted and run from the helicopter and had made no mental note of what direction she had gone. If she had to wander around lost in the forest with a battle going on she did not want to do it alone. She thought briefly of the Land Cruiser, of her phone and the radio in it but it was likely burning to a crisp if the flames found the gas tank. No, there would be no going back that way, their best bet would be to find a village and hope they were friends of Pastor Dan's.