Although Dorrin was a little indignant at being given orders from Idun since he didn't remember the human being appointed leader, he still did as he was told and went to help the people panicking about the city. Several people had been killed from being trampled by the crowds of fleeing citizens, and Dorrin needed to work quickly before anymore people would be killed in the chaos. It was a hard task getting people to listen to him while they were in a panic since he was a dwarf and they were humans who were taller than him. Not to mention the damage that some of the dragons had done to some of the buildings during their climatic entrance. Several houses were on fire and Dorrin knew that he had to check those first since there could be innocent people trapped inside. Since some of the houses had doors that had been blocked by mounds of rubble, Dorrin had to use his Skyfall ability to jump up to the upper levels of the homes were the windows weren't blocked off. He smashed through the window and into the home, landing not very gracefully on the carpet floor. He looked around and found it hard to see because of the thick smoke that everywhere. Dorrin needed to look fast before the smoke completely cut off his air supply inside the house and suffocate. The dwarf hoped the owners of this house if they were still inside, were not dead from the smoke. He eventually found them, and saw that they were a family of five. Dorrin wasted no time with explaining to them who he was and that he was a Dragoon who had graduated from the academy. Right now he needed to get them out of the house. First he grabbed two of the children and ran straight for the window he smashed through. He heard the parents give a cry of alarm and tried to stop him. But luckily dwarfs were very fast sprinters, and Dorrin outran them and leaped out of the window. Despite the children being very young, he was still only several inches taller than them and a fall from this height could severely injure them. So Dorrin spun in the air to have his back facing the ground and the children above his chest. He slammed into the ground a good amount of force, but his armor had helped protect him from any serious injuries, it still hurt. The children were not harmed, and Dorrin quickly jumped back into the burning to get the third child, followed by the parents one at a time. After he was done with that, Dorrin was quite sore and his limbs ached from falling from a building several times. But he still had a duty to complete, and he quickly moved on to help the other citizens of Estar.