At first the night looked like it was going to be uneventful. Then, suddenly, the skies erupted in such a rumbling thunder that the very mountain shook with its vibrations. Ulemi awoke instantly along with the others who had been sleeping and looked around her in bewilderment. She was about to get up and out of her tent when the ground shook once more to the sound of thunder, almost causing her to trip. Once she’d gotten out she approached the nearest person who’d been on watch to ask what the hell was going on, but she never got that far. The sky directly above them was suddenly red, ablaze with fire. Looking up Ulemi saw first one, then two, then several more colossal shadows circling the mountain. Dragons. Not a dragon, but several. There were several dragons directly above them. But why? Why would there be… Then the thought stuck her. They’d come for the Greybeards, just as she and her companions had. Although, she thought, the dragons probably had other intentions for their visit. She tried to shout for the rest of the group to get up and get moving, but the dragons and the Greybeards began battling just then. The collective power of their voices stole the sound away from Ulemis lips and pushed the air out of her lungs. A second hit wave struck and knocked her down completely. She got hold of her shield and covered herself with it as blast after blast seemed to shake the entirety of the world. It was incredible. Terrifying, but incredible. Such was the power of the voices of dragons that the only thing she could do was to cover before it. They had to get up there, had to help the Greybeards somehow, but there was simply nothing she could do. She was stuck here with the rest of her companions, wriggling like maggots in the dirt while those godlike beings above them battled on. Ulemi was mortally scared, but excited at the same time. This was the first time she’d tasted the bite of the Thu’um. And she liked it. The excitement died quickly, however, as the continuing thunder brought a small avalanche down on their heads. Ulemi tried with all her might to get up, to roll away, to even move an inch, but to no avail. The snow rushed over them, causing the dunmer to bang her head into a nearby rock, and she fainted. Darkness. Throbbing. Shivering. Pain. A small beam of light in the blackness. Ulemi opened her eyes and found herself buried under the snow. At first there was panic, but it soon settled when she realized she wasn’t that deep under. After only a little while she was free, and so she stood up. The camp had been completely obliterated, buried under the snow. Most of them seemed to be alright, although Ulemis head throbbed with pain. She touched her forehead and quickly found the wound. That would definitely leave a scar. There was blood all over her face, but at least she wasn’t bleeding anymore. Turning her gaze upwards, her heart sank. The blue, cloudless sky above was pierced by a big pillar of thick black smoke. There were no dragons left, at least. She turned to the others. [b]We have to move[/b], she said. [b]Gather what you can and move! We have to get up there![/b]