[i]It is your first day on the DSS Dellias, an infiltration-class Divitian ship, outfitted with a ship-wide warp cloak and along the center of the ship is a Obliterator Class Warp Cannon. The ship is roughly 1.5x the size of a normal frigate, and is equipped with Akin’Is anti-gravity engines and weaponry. Most of the ship is exposed to space and sealed off by blue force-fields that lock the air in. You are to be deployed to Vorku, an oceanic planet, as a research group. There have been reports of Halycon ships leaving this particular planet. You are three days warp from the planet, and are stopping by a war front to clean up some stray Halycon. As you step off the boearding ship with your personal belongings, you immediately see a multitude of Divitians of varying subspecies, but it seems to mainly Avians. If you payed any attention to Divitian Biology in school you would recognize that it is most likely because Avians have a natural resistance against the effects of Warp Cloak, though biologically, this doesn’t make sense, they should be just as affected as any other subspecies. You can see from the faces of some of the older and more expressional Divitians that being on the ship for long periods of time has had some wear and tear on them. A small Insectoid Divitian falls down from the ceiling and hands all of you a slip of paper each, it’s the crew assignments. Once he hands them to you he points you all towards the area in which your rooms are, and then to the area to meet their respective commanders. He has a sad, old look about him, which is odd, as Insectoid Divitians really only live to be ten years old. Agana Chambers - Room S1 - Security - Report to Cpl. Wict - Away Team A Niivari Vi”saad - Room S1 - Engineering - Report to Cpl. Valastai - Away Team A Zarnex Draco - Room E5 - Tactical - Report to the bridge ASAP - Away Team A Vark Bacarus - Room E5 - Security - Report to Cpl. Wict - Away Team A Damakos Suonlung - Room E5 - Atmospherics - Report to Cpl. Hel - Away Team A Vlair Stomp - Room S2 - Primary Cannon Crew - Report to Col. Diva - Away Team A Felith - Room E5 -Primary Cannon Crew - Report to Col. Diva - Away Team A[/i] ”If you wander the ship, be sure you know where you’re going, it’s easy to get lost, Infiltrator ships are designed differently than the ships you all are used to. You will receive the rest of your schedules once it is finalized. Any other questions?” [i]He looks up at all of them, and then down at Damakos and Vlair, being half a foot taller than the two Dragon-subspecies Divitians.[/i] ((Order of posts, so one gets left out: Joeycbee, LiegeLord, SoundByte, EffinBrofis, metagros, BlackCat, Guardian))