[b]"Oh...well, I apologize if I made you remember some unpleasant things then."[/b] Surani replied to Ji'Sien. She didn't particularly care about his past as a thief. As far as she was concerned, it was a valid way of life. She herself didn't have much room to condemn another for what they have done or did.[b]"At least you know what happened to both of yours. My mom left years ago when I was a kid. I haven't seen her since. She's the main reason I wanted to leave Wayrest in the first place, though. I suppose if she hadn't left I wouldn't be here now."[/b] She said with a friendly smile. [b]"My dad's a bit less interesting though. He just sells enchanted armor and weapons for a living. Sometimes I wonder why my mom even married the guy."[/b] She chuckled as she took out her journal and a quill again. [b]"Not that my dad isn't a great guy, he practically raised me himself, but why would an adventuress marry some merchant who has never left Wayrest? It just seems a bit funny to me."[/b] With that, her conversation was done and she went back to writing in her journal, careful to not let any of the loose papers stuffed between the pages fall out, as her companions went to bed one after the other, only accompanied by the ones who had decided to stay up for the first watch. She herself continued to just write. One would think thoughts would be easy to sum up, after all, it had been a rather uneventful day, but Surani didn't neglect even a small detail when she wrote. As such, she was absorbed in her journal for most of the first watch. Until the mountain began to rumble and the sky was set ablaze with the fires of several dragons. Surani, looked up at the sky in a mix of amazement and fear. It was her first time seeing a dragon, and it was as every bit amazing as she thought it would be. Terrifying, yet so beautiful and mysterious, and she wanted to know everything she could about them. Then, the fighting started. The Greybeards launched an attack against the dragons, using the power of the voice, the Thu'um to fight the beasts. So this was the power of the voice. Surani, was utterly amazed, even as she was knocked off her feet by one of the blasts. She managed to get back to her feet just as the avalanche washed over her, burying her in its cold embrace. Surani slowly came too, first noticing how cold it was, and for the first few seconds trying to recall what happened. Right. There were dragons, the Greybeards, the Thu'um, then the avalanche. Right. The Avalanche. That's why it was so cold. Thankfully, she could deal with a little cold. She launched a fireball into the sky, melting the immediate snow around her, and allowing her to dig herself out of the pile of snow she was buried in. She puled herself to her hands and knees, and took a look about the camp. It had been buried under a pile of snow, and anything that wasn't, had been utterly destroyed. At least her companions seemed to have been alright. She stood, making sure she had no immediate injuries. Other than a throbbing in her side from a rib being broken or cracked, she felt fine. She caught Ulemi's gaze, and followed it upwards, seeing the pillar of black smoke rising into the air. If that was what was left of the Greybeards temple, then the dragons had just taken away their only chance at learning the Thu'um. Unless there was some other way to learn it, and she doubted that was likely or people would be doing it all the time. She shouldn't be so pessimistic, but she couldn't help but to feel like things weren't going to turn out like they wanted them too. At least Ulemi seemed undaunted by what happened. Acknowledging the Dunmer's words, she nodded and first checked her equipment. Her staff was still in its place, and her sword was still strapped to her side. Her journal was safely tucked away in her robes. So, she hadn't lost anything overly important then. [b]"Well, lets get going then."[/b]