Something about the formatting of the original post is kind of offputting... Either way [hider=CS] Appearance:[url=][img=][/url] Name: Silver Mirror Gender: Male Age: 19 Class: [url=]Druid[/url] (DND style; Animal taming, tracking, being wild, maybe even turning into animals if allowed.) Standing: Rookie Personality: Silver mainly uses blades to attack, primarily scimitars. His tactics have been essential to multiple personal missions, allowing him to decide when to take risks and when to remain safe. His interactions with humans have, less often then not, ended up somewhat unsuccessful, although his interactions with animals usually turn out well. This makes him useful as a source of spies, distractions, and other forms of aid. Silver doesn't speak much-- If he was entered into the guild, it was only because someone put the idea into his head. He works well with people who contrast with him. [/hider] Hider-in-hider is broken. [s]And I forgot the personality... One moment[/s] Ready!