[center] [Img]http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608022641688379607&w=196&h=267&c=7&rs=1&p=0&pid=1.7[/img] [b] Name:[/b] Devin [b] Age: [/b] 987 years of age. (Looks around 19 or 20) [b] Gender: [/b] Male [b] Species: [/b] Necromancer [b] Location: [/b] Hammod's complex [b] Personality: [/b] Devin seems to be a strange, strange person. He is considered a mad man for the things he does, and sometimes, he believes it. He is cold, witty, and very.. very clever.  He often seems lonely, which he is. He stays by himself for most of the time and never seems to want company, it's like he blacks out for the time being. When interrupted during his 'black' outs he will get extremely mad. It is even possible, while he is mad that he may accidentally raise a dead squirrel or two. Though he is cold, he can also be playful and sweet, when caught at the right time. He is extremely affectionate when the spirit of his passed sister, Cecily is around. He gets put in a good mood and stay's in it while he is with her. [b] Weapons: [/b] His beloved staff, and a sword made of silver and bronze combined. [b] Powers: [/b] Spirit Channeling: This only works with his dead sister, Cecily (Late sister, died at age 17.) Devin can allow her to posses him for a short time. She cannot use any of his powers or stay inside of him, since he can force her out. When he is possessed, his eyes turn a dark shade of gold. Reanimating corpses: Devin can take a soul and force it back into an animals rotting corpse. Then he control it to his extent, or until someone rips the dead creature limb from limb. He is also working with humans on this, since he is yet to bring a human back to do his evil bidding. Speaking with the dead: He can speak and see the dead. And they can see him. Sensing when someone dies: Since being a necromancer, he can sense someone die.. If it is in the surrounding area. Summoning spirits: He can only summon if given an item the deceased. This rarely works, so it is unreliable. Immortality, and enhanced senses and speed. [b] Weaknesses: [/b] His powers, are unreliable. Sometimes they works and others, they may never work. It depends.Every time he reanimate a corpse it weakens him, he has to constantly spend mana to control the dead. Iron, like the ghosts, spirits, etc he deals with, he is to also vulnerable to Iron. Sunlight also blinds him very easily, he mostly wear sunglasses when out on hunts due to this. Devin cannot pass a cross it is like a force-field blocking him when one is put on the wall. [b] How you intend to use your humans: [/b] Merely for experimentation. [b] Relationships: [/b] None as of yet [b] Bio: [/b] Devin was born into a slave family in 1027, he doesn't remember where or who his parents were. He and his older sister, Cecily, were traded off when Devin was only three. He grew up in a harsh environment, never knowing about his heritage. His sister, on the other hand did know. For she was just beginning to learn the spells, and powers of necromancy. Devin's first encounter with the undead was on his 6th birthday, it was uncelebrated, but he and Cecily always counted the days until then. The day before another slave had been killed off, using fire. He was lit on fire and left to die. The next morning, Devin saw a silhouette (can't spell that word) in the doorway, the man gave him a toothy smile before his flesh began to literally melt off of the recent slaves skin, then all that was left was a grinning skeleton. "Your here to help me, am I right Little Necromancer?" was all the young Devin heard before screaming. When Devin was around 12, his sister was raped and then killed with a knife. He did not know she was dead at the time, but he did once she showed up. Ever since then, she went everywhere with Devin. She explained to him who what he was, but never told him what happened to her. She also taught him many ways to use his new found power, then with her help, he escaped the slave holder. He lived in the woods with his dead sister, with the company of the dead and not the living. He acquired a staff made from a old willow tree, when he had chanted a spell that his sister told him it became alive with power. The next eight years, he grew up and became who he is now. Then he lived many years after that, fully acquiring his powers. Its now the twenty first century and he is now 987 years of age. He learned how to control his powers, and use black magic. And now he is gradually learning how to reanimate a human body, to force a human soul back into its rotting corpse to obey his every will. Though he would never send them on his new employer, Vlad. Who gave him a home, and place to work and things to work with for Devin's power and skill. Not long after, a man named Hammod became in charge. Devin thought nothing of it. He continues to work at the complex. As long as he got human bodies to experiment on. [b] Other: [/b] Embrace Sweet Death~ He works willingly for Hammod. He loves to torture newcomers. [/center]