Excel's strike missed. Though that wasn't too much of a surprise. This was more an attack to test her abilities, even if he did really aim to wound her. But then she came back with an attack on her own right away. Just one little problem for her though. It had too little magic energy in it to hurt him. And unstable too. So maybe it was an attack she hadn't mastered yet? "Too weak." He spoke, putting his empty hand in front of the fist before it hit him. His hand started to ache, but nothing more. It puzzled him a little bit why she would try to use such an attack against an opponent like him. The woman started to talk, commenting on his abilities and asking questions. Questions he didn't want to answer. "Yes I am a natural." He spoke, taking a combat stance again. "But I did not come here to talk. I'm guessing there is little time left before only four people are still standing. I didn't want to use this here, but it seems I have no choice. I'll win this fight with my next attack." Then, instead of coming at her right away he put his sword away again. Then dark blue energy started to form around both his hands, like flames dancing on a torch. Then the balls of energy around his hand started to grow larger, until they were twice as large. "Here I come." He calmly spoke before dashing towards her at blinding speed, dark blue flames of magic energy surrounding his feet. But then, just before he reached her, a loud buzzer sounded. The test had ended, only 4 people were still standing. But Excel couldn't stop his attack any more, so instead he diverted it so it would just pass her. A shockwave of energy blasted past the woman hitting a large boulder instead, causing the surface of the boulder to explode, leaving a 50 cm wide, 10 cm deep hole in the boulder. Then a moment later, an announcement was made. "This is administrator Jobbs. Congratulations to the four of you that are still standing! The preparations for the next test will begin immediately. Your assignment is to team up with the closest other person in the arena. The next test requires teams, so you won't be able to participate unless you have a team mate! You have 1 minute to find a teammate or you'll be disqualified for the next test!" Excel flinched, then slowly faced the woman he had just been fighting. "It seems this is your unlucky day..."